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Kabal allows you to translate number into text. See Demo on http://kabal.herokuapp.com


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kabal'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kabal


Kabal has one main feature - number to text "converting".

$> require 'kabal'
$> include Kabal
$> Kabal.to_text 1 #=> "один"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_russian 1 #=> "один"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_english 1 #=> "one"
$> Kabal.to_text -1000000 #=> "минус один миллион"

You can choose language to "converting".

$> Kabal.language = "Russian"
$> Kabal.current_language #=> "Russian"

Supported Languages:

  • Russian
    • Natural Numbers { max: 10 ** 100 }
    • Fractional Numbers
    • Negative Numbers
  • English
    • Natural Numbers { max 10 ** 63 }
    • Fractional Numbers
    • Negative Numbers
  • Deutsch
    • Natural Number { max 10 ** 24 }
    • Fractional Numbers
    • Negative Numbers


$> Kabal.supported_languages #=> ["Russian", "English", "Deutsch"]
$> Kabal.to_text "1" #=> "один"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language(1, "English") #=> "one"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language(1, :English) #=> "one"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language("1", "English") #=> "one"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language("1", :English) #=> "one"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language_by_index(1, 0) #=> "один"
$> Kabal.to_text_in_language_by_index("1", 0) #=> "один"
$> Kabal.current_language_supports_natural? #=> true
$> Kabal.current_language_supports_fractional? #=> true
$> Kabal.language_supports_negative? #=> true
$> Kabal.language_supports_fractional? #= true
$> Kabal.maximum_for "Russian" #=> 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
$> Kabal.minimum_for "English" #=> -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/kalashnikovisme/kabal/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git flow feature start new_super_feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit)
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

How add languages

To add Elfin language you should use language generator:

$> cd generators
$> thor add_language elfin el

It will:

  1. Create lib/kabal/languages/elfin.rb. You'll describe rules of this language to drawing numbers there.

    require 'kabal/languages/language'
    class Kabal::Elfin < Kabal::Language
        def convert(number)
            #anything you want
  2. Create test/lib/kabal/languages/elfin_test.rb. You'll cover your code by tests there.

  3. Create yaml/languages/el.yml. You'll add numbers and words, which they correspond, there.

      minus: #Minus on Elfin Language#
  4. Add Elfin: "el" to yaml/languages.yml.

  5. Add to yaml/support.yml

        min: {min_of_your_realization}
        max: {max_of_your_realization}
        symbols: {count_of_symbols_after_dot_that_you_realized}
  6. Add require "kabal/languages/elfin" to lib/kabal/supported_languages.rb.

HINT: Method Kabal.to_text_in_elfin will create automatically.

If you want remove language:

$> cd generators
$> thor remove_language elfin


Kabal has the BigTest. This test checks the correctness of the operation with all the numbers (0 to 10,000) in all supported languages. Be careful: BigTest now working around 8 minutes. Run BigTest

$> tconsole bigtest


$> tconsole all

runs all tests without Bigtest.