Muq, a Muxtape CLI

Basic command line interface for


See muq up -h and muq dn -h for details.

Muxtape's limits are 12 songs per tape and 10MB per song.

Upload examples

muq up favorite.mp3 --user=bob --pass=bob [email protected]
Create a new account for Bob and upload his favorite tune.

muq up -u=larry -p=kensentme
Upload every mp3 in the current directory to Larry's existing account.

muq up some.mp3,another.mp3 -u=larry -p=kensentme --banner="Larry's Tape" --caption="Wooo" --color=ffdddd
Upload mp3s and set banner, caption and color.

Download examples

muq dn hiphop or muq dn
Download a single tape.

muq dn hip,hop,rap,rnb
Download multiple tapes.


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