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JustInclude changes the way you define methods in included modules. Now you write stuff in your module as you would ctrl+c ctrl+v from class. No more ClassMethods nor Instance Methods. See Usage section for better understanding. You can include all kind of things you normally type inside a class. Such as:

  • methods
  • class methods
  • callbacks
  • relation definitions
  • act_as_*
  • constans
  • extends / includes etc...

JustInclude has zero external dependencies so can be used in pure ruby apps also, not only Rails.


I was working on a large app where core functionality was searching. I decided that methods related with solr so searchable and wrapper on solr search are so important in my app, that they deserve to have their own file. From class point of view, functionality sill belongs to that class.


gem 'just_include'


Create a module with functionality you want to be part of other class

module FunctionalityA
# use Simply or JustInclude
#  (include JustInclude)::this_code do
   (include Simply)::this_code do

     extend FriendlyId

     acts_as_taggable_on :skills

     searchable do

     def method

     def self.class_method


Then simply include this module inside other class

class OtherClass < ActiveRecord::Base 
    include FunctionalityA

Old Syntax

If you prefer old, less fancy syntax, check out version v.1.0.0.