

Judy is an all-in-one toolbox for Puppet. It's a mixture of Rake tasks to add to a pre-existing project and a CLI to allow you to run common puppet tasks through the command-line.

Current Puppet tools used by Judy


Some pre-made rake tasks are avaliable in the gem, to run puppet-lint on all .pp files, and to run puppet parse all .pp files

Just add

gem "judy"

To your Gemfile and then add

require "judy/tasks"

Now when you run bundle exec rake -T in your app, you should see the judy tasks:

rake lint     # Judy: Run puppet-lint
rake parse    # Judy: Parse puppet files



On an invidiual file:

$ judy parse init.pp
Parsing with Puppet Version: 3.3.0
No error found on init.pp
Parse complete!

Or on a directory:

$ judy parse /etc/puppet/modules/
Parsing with Puppet Version: 3.3.0
Loading directory, looking for all puppet files...
No error found on /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/init.pp
Parser Error! File: /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/service.pp - Error: Syntax error at ','; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/service.pp:13
Parse complete!


For a complete overview of all of the available commands, run:

$ judy help

Feel free to open issues in case of bugs or improvments.


See the contributing guide. Pull-requests welcome!