Feature: postprocessing In order to leave unneccessary compatibility code out, I should be able to use postprocessing feature.

Scenario: compat12 When I run "jsus Postprocessing/MootoolsCompat12 tmp --postproc moocompat12" Then the following files should exist: | tmp/package.js | And file "tmp/package.js" should contain """ /* ---

  script: Core.js

  description: Mootools fake core

  license: MIT-style license

  - Valerio Proietti

  provides: [Core]

And file "tmp/package.js" should not contain
And file "tmp/package.js" should not contain
  var compatible12 = true;
And file "tmp/package.js" should contain
  var incompatible = true;

Scenario: mooltIE8 When I run "jsus Postprocessing/MootoolsLtIE8 tmp --postproc mooltIE8" Then the following files should exist: | tmp/package.js | And file "tmp/package.js" should contain """ /* ---

  script: Core.js

  description: Mootools fake core

  license: MIT-style license

  - Valerio Proietti

  provides: [Core]

And file "tmp/package.js" should not contain
And file "tmp/package.js" should not contain
  var compatibleIE8 = true;
And file "tmp/package.js" should contain
  var incompatible = true;