
In my projects I have found the basic as_json method that you get from Rails to be quite limiting. For example, as_json takes :methods, but the hash key can only be the method's name. Similar restriction applies to the :only option. So, I am extending this method in JsonSerializable so that you can customize your JSON output with a simple declarative syntax.

In you Gemfile:

gem :json_serializable

Or install directly:

gem install json_serializable

In your model:

class Content
  include JsonSerializable

  json_serializable [:name, :description], private: lambda {|content| content.secret_data.upcase}, :street => :address

  def street
    "#{street_number} #{street_name}"


If your model has the following data:

calgaryNews = Content.new(name: 'Sunny', description: 'Awesome sunny and bright day', secret_data: 'ggh98',
                          street_number: 2301, street_number: 'Varsity DR NW')

JsonSerializable will produce the following Hash for your json:

  name: 'Sunny', description: 'Awesome sunny and bright day', private: 'GGH98',
                            address: "2301 Varsity DR NW'

Released under DWTFYW (Do What the F* You Want) License.