jr: command-line JSON processor for Rubyists

jr is jq like JSON processor.
Its script can be written not a specific language but Ruby!

jr in action


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jr-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jr-cli


jr filter can be written in Ruby!

$ jr <jr filter> [file...]

You can also read JSON not from files but from STDIN.

jr filter tutorial

Let's process JSON of GitHub API!

At first, download JSON of repos into your local to avoid API rate limit.

$ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/users/yuya-takeyama/repos' > repos.json

show repositories

Because response from GET /users/:username/repos is wrapped with Array, select the first element.
You'll get stream of JSON reperesents repositories.

$ jr 'first' repos.json

map to reduce data

Default response has too much informations.
So reduce data using #map method.

$ ./bin/jr 'first.map{|j| {name: j[:name], desc: j[:description], lang: j[:language]} }' repos.json
  "name": "acne",
  "desc": "Simple DI container for PHP < 5.3",
  "lang": "PHP"
  "name": "akb48_recognizer",
  "desc": "AKB48 recognition using Face.com API",
  "lang": "Ruby"
  "name": "disco-dance.tv",
  "desc": "For Socket.IO learning.",
  "lang": "JavaScript"
  "name": "docker-plenv-vanilla",
  "desc": null,
  "lang": "Shell"

aggregate by language

Repositories have its primary language which is detected automatically.
Let's aggregate it and count by languages.

$ ./bin/jr 'first.map{|j| {name: j[:name], desc: j[:description], lang: j[:language]} }.reduce({}){|acc, j| l = j[:lang]; acc[l] ||= 0; acc[l] += 1; acc }' repos.json
  "PHP": 10,
  "Ruby": 12,
  "": 1,
  "JavaScript": 3,
  "CoffeeScript": 1,
  "CSS": 1,
  "Go": 1,
  "Shell": 1

Basic mechanism

It's helpful to know jr's basic mechanism.
Shortly, jr is implemented like below.

json_enumerator.instance_eval { your_jr_filter_runs_here }
# And print its result


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/yuya-takeyama/jr/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request