
jQueryMobile! For Rails! So Great.


This gem incorporates the jQueryMobile assets into your Rails application. This gem provides:

  • jQueryMobile 1.1.0


In your Gemfile, add this line:

gem "jquerymobile-rails"

Then, run

$ bundle install

Rails >= 3.1

For Rails 3.1 and greater, the files will be added to the asset pipeline and available for you to use.

The following will need to be added to the file app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require jquerymobile

The following will need to be added to the file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:

*= require jquerymobile

The following will need to be added to the %head tag of the file app/views/layouts/applicaion.html.haml:

%meta{ name: :viewport, content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'}

Rails < 3.1

This gem does not support Rails versions preceding 3.1.


Documentation for this project may be accessed through it's RubyGems Site here.


Please submit bugs any bugs found in jQueryMobile-Rails here, we appreaciate your help improving jQueryMobile-Rails.

Future Work

This gem looks to serve not only as a means of elegantly incorportating jQueryMobile into your application but as well, a means of incorporating additional promanant jquerymobile resources!

In Progress

In progress development tasks include:


If you have suggestions please contact [email protected]. The google group is publically vieable here. Thanks!

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