
My collection of Ruby on Rails generators.


If you have never grabbed a gem from github or you aren't sure if you have, run the following command: (you should only have to do this once):

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com

Once you have setup GitHub as a gem source, run this command to install the gem:

sudo gem install jfs-generators


Once you install the gem, the generators should be available to all Ruby on Rails applications on your system. Run script/generate without any arguments to see a list of the available generators in your environment.

To run the generator, go to your rails project directory and call it using the script/generate or script/destroy command. For example:

script/generate jfs_model Article title:string content:text


Stubs out a new model. Pass the model name, either CamelCased or under_scored, and an optional list of attribute pairs as arguments. Attribute pairs are column_name:sql_type arguments specifying the model's attributes. Timestamps are added by default, so you don't have to specify them by hand as created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime.

This generates a model class in app/models and a migration in db/migrate.


./script/generate jfs_model Account

creates an Account model at app/models/account.rb and a migration at db/migrate/XXX_add_accounts.rb.

./script/generate model Article title:string content:text

creates an Article model with a string title and text body.

Copyright (c) 2009 Jason Stahl. See LICENSE for details.