
Preflight prepares your (j)ruby project for jvm deployment.

Preflight, as much as possible, uses standard ruby-world tools to prepare the app for deployment, and then presents the ruby app to jetty as a Java EE web application.


Deploys need to be performed using MRI. Here is a sample section of a project Gemfile:

platforms :ruby_19 do
  gem 'preflight'

Create config/preflight.yml in your project:

jruby: ""
jetty: ""
jruby-rack: ""
app_user: "myapp"
app_root: "/usr/local/myapp/myapp"

Run preflight:

gem install preflight

preflight [your project directory]

Of note, you'll now have:

  • a bin directory, with scripts that run ruby and rake, using jruby and with the gems defined in your project.
  • a vendor/jetty directory, containing everything necessary to run your app using jetty.
    • You can try your app out by cd'ing into vendor/jetty and running RAILS_ENV=development java -jar start.jar
    • vendor/jetty/jetty-init is an init script that starts your project. You should symlink /etc/init.d/[appuser]-jetty to this file, and then point monit at /etc/init.d/[appuser]-jetty