RabbitMQ JRuby Client

rabbitmq-jruby-client allows you to use RabbitMQ Client from JRuby using the official Java RabbitMQ client from Rabbit Technologies See more at www.rabbitmq.com

Getting Started

  1. Install and start RabbitMQ (see below)

  2. Install JRuby RabbitMQ Client: jruby -S gem install rabbitmq-jruby-client

Example Usage

gem ‘rabbitmq-jruby-client’ require ‘rabbitmq_client’

# Initializes the new client and connect to the server client = RabbitMQClient.new

# Initializes a new queue queue = client.queue(‘queue_name’)

# Initializes a new exchange exchange = client.exchange(‘exchange_name’)

# Connects queue with the exchange queue.bind(exchange)

# Publish a message to the queue queue.publish(‘message body’)

# Retrieve a message from the queue message = queue.retrieve

# Subscribe to a queue with callback. (Event-driven) queue.subscribe do |message|

# do something with message


# Subscribe to a queue in a loop. (Polling) queue.loop_subscribe do |message|

# do something with message


Installing RabbitMQ on OS X

  1. Install MacPorts

  2. sudo port install rabbitmq-server

To run RabbitMQ

  1. sudo rabbitmq-server


By default standard ruby marshalling is used to serialise data but this can be overridden by using a marshalling class which responds to two method calls: 1) load takes an array of java bytes and returns whatever you desrialise from this 2) dump takes a message and must produce an array of java bytes, a RabbitMQClientError is raised if the output is not a suitable array

The marshalling class can be set in several ways:

  1. By instantiating a RabbitMQClient with a option of :marshaller set to the class you wish use as your default marshaller

  2. By setting the 3rd argument of RabbitMQClient#queue to the class you wish to use for this queue

  3. By instantiating a RabbitMQClient::QueueConsumer with a 3rd argument of the class you wish to use

  4. By using RabbitMQClient#marshaller=

  5. By using RabbitMQClient::Queue#marshaller=