

Sprout-extensions is a set of little extensions monkey-patched into Sprout. It adds:

  • the ability to use gems/tools on github

    mxmlc "app.swf" do |t| t.gem_name = 'jerryvos-sprout-flexsystemsdk-tool' end

  • the ability to easily alias your sprout task to a simpler, namespaced version

    namespace :build do desc "Compile the main swf" mxmlc "app.swf" do |t| t.task_alias = 'main' # the alias end end

    rake -T

    rake app.swf # Compile the main swf rake build:main # Compile the main swf

  • smarter tracking of when a rebuild actually has to happen when your task isn't named the same as your output file

    • For the following task, sprout/rake will always rebuild the file, even if it already exists and the dependencies are up-to-date. With sprout-extension this doesn't happen

      mxmlc "my_task_name" do |t| t.output = "my_app.swf" end