Simple-Flickr Jerrett Taylor ([email protected])


This is an interface into the Flickr REST API. There are a bunch of various libraries that do this, 
but most of the ones I found are out of date and no longer work with the new(ish) Flickr API,
partially work, or resulted in general funkyness. 

At the moment, this does what I need. Feel free to do what you want with it, and let me know if 
you make changes, fix bugs, or add any features - i'd be more than happy to accept any patches!


This currently only provides a wrapper around public data (non-authenticated stuff), but it would not be
too tricky to add authenticated stuff in at a later date, should it be needed. 

This currently provides wrapping for people, photos, and photosets. For anything else, you can use the 
Flickr::Client#request and get hpricot documents back, which are easy to parse... or, submit a patch with the missing


client = 'apikey' )
person = client.person( 'jerrett taylor' ) 
=> #<Flickr::Person:0x11e5e14 ...>>
=> "Macro"
=> [#<Flickr::Photo:0x116ab10 ...>


- Hpricot