
A simple gem for processing and aggregating CSV files. CommaPile builds a table that count

Config Options:

  • source - What is the name of the source csv file [REQUIRED, SINGUL]
  • on - Specify any number of columns [REQUIRED, MULTIPLE]
  • sum_on - Specify a column that you want to accumulate given [OPTIONAL, MULTIPLE]
  • conditions - Specify a lambda, key-value pair that must be met for line to be part of the compilation [OPTIONAL, MULTIPLE]
  • output - Specify a path to output the compiled data; In addition a raw file, containing all rows that were used in the compilation, is generated. [OPTIONAL, SINGLE]
  • line_parser - Specify a custom line parser to use; By default CommaPile::LineParser is used. A custom line parser would allow for transformation of data during compilation. See test/example_line_parser.rb [OPTIONAL, SINGLE]

Example'/path/to/input.csv', 'w+') do |file|
  file.puts %('Work', 'Build CommaPile',2009-09-12,2)
  file.puts %('Work', 'Build CommaPile',2009-09-13,1)
  file.puts %('Work', 'Chase Chickens', 2009-09-12,4)
  file.puts %('Work', 'Read Developer Blogs',2009-09-13,1)
  file.puts %('Home', 'Do Dishes', 2009-09-12, 0.5)

require 'comma_pile'

report = do |config|
  config.source = '/path/to/input.csv'
  config.on << 0
  config.on << 1
  config.sum_on << 3
  config.output = '/path/to/output.csv'
  config.conditions = lambda {|r| r[1] == /^Chase/ }


report['Work'].counter == 3
report['Work'].sum[3] == 4
report['Work']['Build CommaPile'].counter == 2
report['Work']['Build CommaPile'].sum[3] == 3
report['Home'].sum[3] == 0.5

Copyright (c) 2009 Jeremy Friesen. See LICENSE for details.