
Because everybody likes “paste & jello” sandwiches, right? I know I did when I was a kid.

Jello is a simple library to watch the OS X pasteboard and do something on every paste.

require 'jello' do |paste|
  system "say 'You pasted #{paste}'"

For example, to watch for URLs copied, and then shorten the URL and replace the long URL with the shortened one:

require 'open-uri'
require 'jello' :verbose => true do |paste, board|

  case paste

  when %r%^http://.*%
    uri = $&
    uri.gsub! /#/, '%23'
    next if uri =~ %r%^

    shortener = '' + uri

    short = open(shortener).gets.chomp
    board.puts short



A few things to note:

- In the block context, `#puts` and `#gets` are commandeered for the
  pasteboard object — use `STDOUT.puts` and `STDIN.gets` respectively if you
  need terminal interaction in the block context to be safe.

- Creating a Jello block doesn't actually do anything by itself - you need to
  act on the paste itself. Test against contents and conditionally run code,
  whatever you want.