
Morph is a simple Jekyll theme for writers.



Install with github page:

GitHub Pages

  1. Add these 2 lines in to your Gemfile:
gem "jekyll-remote-theme"
gem "jekyll-paginate"
  1. Install the newly added gems:
$ bundle
  1. In _config.yml add these lines:
remote_theme: alex-1900/jekyll-theme-morph

permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title.markdown
paginate: 5

  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-remote-theme

Remove any other theme: or remote_theme: lines.

  1. Rename to index.html. Without this, the jekyll-paginate gem will not work.


Pinned articles

Add the sticky and sticky_subtitle(optional) field to post file, and you can find the article at pinned area.

sticky: true
sticky_subtitle: some words

Add tags and categories page

  1. create new pages tags.html and categories.html and add these lines to heads: html --- layout: classify source: tags ---
layout: classify
source: categories
  1. add these lines to your _config.yml: yml morph: pages: - name: tags path: /tags - name: categories path: /categories

and can see the tags and categories buttons now.

Enable tags and categories sidebar

add these lines to your _config.yml in morph field:

      title: Top Categories
      path: /categories
      title: Top Tags
      path: /tags

certainly, you can change the titles and paths

Add searching page

  1. create search.json at project root, and add these lines:

    layout: none
    permalink: /search.json
    {% for post in site.posts %}
    "title"    : {{ post.title | escape | jsonify }},
    "category" : {{ post.category | jsonify }},
    "tags"     : "{{ post.tags | join: ', ' }}",
    "url"      : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}",
    "date"     : "{{ }}",
    "content"  : {{ post.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | remove_chars | jsonify }}
    } {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
    {% endfor %}
  2. create a new file search.html, and add these lines to head:

    layout: search
  3. add change your _config.yml add a new page to morph.pages:

    - name: tags
      path: /tags
    - name: categories
      path: /categories
    - name: search
      path: /search

Change the skin

There are two skins: silver (default) and obsidian, you can switching between multiple skins by _config.yml:

  skin: obsidian

and rebuild or restart the dev server

Multiple language

  1. Create directory and file __data/language/[lang].yml(the [lang] is abbreviation of your language)

  2. replace contents with another language, the following are the default values.

  posts: posts
  tags_low: tags
  tags_up: Tags
  categories_low: categories
  categories_up: Categories
  about_low: about
  about_up: About
  search_low: search
  search_up: Search
  catalogue: Catalogue
  home: Home
  page: Page
  post_up: Post
  search_placeholder: input key words here...
  update_time: Update time
  pinned_articles: Pinned Articles
  top_tags: Top Tags
  top_categories: Top Categories
  show_more: show more
  catalogue_empty: Catalogue is empty

3 add your the lang item to your page files

lang: [lang]

(the [lang] is abbreviation of your language)

  • for posts page, you can change the defaults scope: yml defaults: - scope: type: "posts" values: lang: [lang] # the `[lang]` is abbreviation of your language

and rebuild or restart the dev server