
A theme for Jekyll. Features:

  • Light & dark modes.
  • Table reformatting on mobile and for very small screens.
  • Styles for printing.
  • At least some basic accessibility.
  • Responsive.
  • Hamburger menu at the bottom right, easy to reach.
  • Uses the IBM Plex typeface, hence the name.

I'm using this for my personal web site, so don't expect this to fit your needs.

What it looks like

On desktop

On mobile


Add the following to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-miniplex"

# jekyll-theme-miniplex depends on these.
gem "jekyll-titles-from-headings", "~> 0.5.3"
gem "jekyll-seo-tag"

# Use the most recent version of jekyll-sass-converter, to force Dart Sass
gem "sass-embedded"
gem "jekyll-sass-converter", github: "jekyll/jekyll-sass-converter"

(Note that this will also install jekyll-titles-from-headings and jekyll-seo-tag, which this theme depends on.)

Add the following to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-miniplex

  - jekyll-coffeescript
  - jekyll-titles-from-headings
  - jekyll-seo-tag

  enabled: true
  strip_title: true
  collections: true


$ bundle

... to install everything.



There are two layouts: page and post. They are almost identical, except for the post layout that shows the post's date and author below the title.

Configuration options

To change the label of the mobile navigation menu, add this to your _config.yml:

  mobile_nav_menu_title: "MenĂ¼"

Optionally, put any of the following files into the _includes folder to override or extend the defaults:

  • footer.html contains the footer content
  • additional_head_tags.html will be included at the end of the HEAD block, before BODY starts
  • navigation_desktop.html and navigation_mobile.html contain the contents of the desktop and mobile navigation, respectively.

ToDos & Missing Features

  • [ ] In-page navigation
  • [ ] Maximizable tables
  • [ ] Breadcrumbs, if possible
  • [ ] Side notes, if possible


Most recent at the top.

  • [X] Footer
  • [X] Dark mode
  • [X] Print CSS
  • [X] Mobile nav bugfixing
  • [X] Post author & date flexibility
  • [X] Add a post's date to the page layout, or to a separate post layout


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.