
The paginate command for Jekyll generates pagination templates. Generated templates work well on GitHub Pages.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-paginate_command'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Install jekyll-paginate_command and run jekyll help.

You will see a new command:

  paginate              Generate pagination templates

To enable the pagination of your posts, add a line to the front matter in the index.html file:

paginate: true

And then execute:

$ jekyll paginate

This command generates a paginator variable like the jekyll-paginate plugin. The difference of this command is a paginator variable is directly written in the front matter. Therefore, you need to access the paginator variable as page.paginator. You can see the generated front matter in the index.html file:

layout: default
paginate: true
  per_page: 10
  total_posts: 26
  total_pages: 3
  page: 1
  next_page: 2
  next_page_path: "/page2/"

This command also generates pagination templates in the paginations directory. These pages have same content of first page except front matter variables.

When you write a new post, you need to run jekyll paginate before previewing your site.


Here is examples of a paginated page.



layout: default
paginate: true
  per_page: 10
  total_posts: 26
  total_pages: 3
  page: 1
  next_page: 2
  next_page_path: "/page2/"
{% assign paginator = page.paginator %}

<div class="home">

  <h1 class="page-heading">Posts</h1>

  <ul class="post-list">
    {% assign offset = | minus: 1 | times: paginator.per_page %}
    {% for post in site.posts limit: paginator.per_page offset: offset %}
        <span class="post-meta">{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</span>

          <a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

  {% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
    <div class="pagination">
      {% if paginator.previous_page %}
        <a href="{{ paginator.previous_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">&laquo; Prev</a>
      {% else %}
        <span>&laquo; Prev</span>
      {% endif %}

      {% assign paginate_relative_path = site.paginate_relative_path | default: '/page:num/' %}
      {% assign relative_path = paginate_relative_path | replace: ':num', %}
      {% assign url = page.url | replace: relative_path, '/' %}

      {% for page in (1..paginator.total_pages) %}
        {% if page == %}
          <em>{{ page }}</em>
        {% elsif page == 1 %}
          <a href="{{ url | append: '/' | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">{{ page }}</a>
        {% else %}
          <a href="{{ url | append: paginate_relative_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' | replace: ':num', page }}">{{ page }}</a>
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% if paginator.next_page %}
        <a href="{{ paginator.next_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">Next &raquo;</a>
      {% else %}
        <span>Next &raquo;</span>
      {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  <p class="rss-subscribe">subscribe <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">via RSS</a></p>




layout: default
category: jekyll
paginate: true
  per_page: 10
  total_posts: 26
  total_pages: 3
  page: 1
  next_page: 2
  next_page_path: "/categories/jekyll/page2/"
{% assign paginator = page.paginator %}

<div class="home">

  <h1 class="page-heading">Posts</h1>

  <ul class="post-list">
    {% assign offset = | minus: 1 | times: paginator.per_page %}
    {% for post in site.categories[page.category] limit: paginator.per_page offset: offset %}
        <span class="post-meta">{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</span>

          <a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

  {% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
    <div class="pagination">
      {% if paginator.previous_page %}
        <a href="{{ paginator.previous_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">&laquo; Prev</a>
      {% else %}
        <span>&laquo; Prev</span>
      {% endif %}

      {% assign paginate_relative_path = site.paginate_relative_path | default: '/page:num/' %}
      {% assign relative_path = paginate_relative_path | replace: ':num', %}
      {% assign url = page.url | replace: relative_path, '/' %}

      {% for page in (1..paginator.total_pages) %}
        {% if page == %}
          <em>{{ page }}</em>
        {% elsif page == 1 %}
          <a href="{{ url | append: '/' | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">{{ page }}</a>
        {% else %}
          <a href="{{ url | append: paginate_relative_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' | replace: ':num', page }}">{{ page }}</a>
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% if paginator.next_page %}
        <a href="{{ paginator.next_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">Next &raquo;</a>
      {% else %}
        <span>Next &raquo;</span>
      {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  <p class="rss-subscribe">subscribe <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">via RSS</a></p>



Global Configurations

Configuration Type Default Description
paginate_per_page Integer 10 Set the number of posts per page.
paginate_relative_path String /page:num/ Set the relative path of paginated pages from the first page directory.
paginate_destination String paginations Set the destination of pagination templates.

Front Matter Variables

Variable Type Description
paginate Boolean Enable the pagination.
category String Set a category for filtering posts.
tag String Set a tag for filtering posts.

Generated Variables for Liquid

Variable Description
page.paginator.per_page The number of Posts per page.
page.paginator.total_posts The total number of Posts.
page.paginator.total_pages The total number of Pages. The number of the current page.
page.paginator.previous_page The number of the previous page, or nil if no previous page exist.
page.paginator.previous_page_path The path to the previous page, or nil if no previous page exist.
page.paginator.next_page The number of the next page, or nil if no next page exist.
page.paginator.next_page_path The path to the next page, or nil if no next page exist.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.