
This gem uses kramdown and latex to generate pdf files.


I'm using latex for about 20 years now and jekyll for about 4. I like latex and the results we get for text processing. And I like jekyll for its easy process to generate great websites.

In this project I'll combine the best of both. The kramdown converter which will be used by the most jekyll projects (as far as I know) supports latex. Thats great! But we can get much more out of latex with a view tricks.

The project grows about the features I use. For example I wrote the optional depencency to jekyll-scholar. So if it's enabled in your project, we use the latex way of generating bibliography citations. I didn't find any other package which will do so.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-latex-pdf'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-latex-pdf

To make it work with jekyll, you need to add - jekyll-latex-pdf to the plugins section in your _config.yml file of your jekyll site.

In _config.yml you need to add a section for the pdf config: pdf: pdf_engine: lualatex author: The Default Author See below for other options and what the options control.

You need to have Latex installed on your system. Default is to use lualatex and biber which depends on your system how to install. Look for texlive and biblatex to see how it works.

If you want to use the tikz environment you additionally need to install pdf2svg and graphicsmagick.

You may want to add .latex-cache (or whatever you set in your latex_cache_path) and assets/tikz/ to your .gitignore. This is where we store the latex files for faster recompiling if needed.


Simply add pdf: true somewhere in your yaml header of the post.

In your post template use

<a href="{{ page.pdf_url }}" target="_blank">PDF</a>

to get a link to the pdf version of your page. Maybe you want to surround this in an if clause if you have posts which should not be rendered to pdf too.

Please note that if you use a baseurl, this is not automatically included. In this case you should use:

<a href="{{ page.pdf_url | prepend:site.baseurl }}" target="_blank">PDF</a>


We ship a latex template which is derived from the kramdown original to add title, author and date from the post. See section below.

jekyll-latex-pdf uses lualatex as default engine. You can change this in _config.yml by adding. There you can also set a default author:

   pdf_engine: pdflatex 
   author: Martin Kaffanke
   template: myowntemplate

All this variables can also be adjusted in the yaml header of your post.

Variables to customize are:

Variable Description
pdf_engine Defaults to lualatex and can be changed to pdflatex, xelatex, ...
bib_engine Defaults to biber and is used when jekyll-scholar is present.
template Defaults to jekyll-latex-pdf
template_path Is where we look for your own templates. Defaults to _latex.
date_as_note Is false by default. See apa6
tikz_path Defaults to assets/tikz. See tikz section.
latex_cache_dir Path where we hold the latex files. Default: .latex_cache
tikz_md5 Default: false. Use md5 digest in filename to force browser reload on changes.

Just set up a ticket on (issues)[] to add feature requests you need.

Customize Templates

The default template is a good way to start. Copy it to your _latex folder, and adjust it. Change the name and set the template in your config or the yaml header of your post. Your template in _latex will be prefered to the one shiped with this gem if it has the same name. Files should have the .latex extension.

If you change the template when pdfs are allready created, make sure to delete the latex_cache_dir, otherwise only changed posts will be recompiled with the new template.


This is the default template which was taken from the kramdown gem, but added support for author, date and title, which is taken from the header of the post or the _config.yml file. There will also be used lang for babel and isodate to support different languages. (Only sv, de and en is supported at the moment, just issue your language if this isn't enaugh.)


I use the apa6 template mostly. This requires the jekyll-scholar gem to be added to your procject and enabled in the _config.yml. A few more variables can be set in the post (or globally in _config.yml). The content of the extra variables will not be parsed with kramdown. You may use latex notation here, or just use plain text. Not documented headers will be directly passed as is like documented in the (apa6 class)[].

  • abstract: Add your abstract to the post in the yaml header. Abstract is required for apa, so if it is not present the excerpt will be used. This does not work fine in some cases. If so, put it into the yaml header may help.
  • shortitle
  • affiliation: The authors affiliation is required with the apa6 class.
  • note: apa6 does not support the \date, so you can set the date here if you want to. Use \printdate{yyyy-mm-dd}, so its converted to your language.
  • date_as_note: When set to true this will add the posts date as note instead of the date.
  • authornote
  • keywords
  • journal: Original uscase is the journal name. You can use your website here if you want.
  • volume
  • ccoppy
  • copnum

apa6 does not render the date by default. You can render the date in the note field. Let jekyll-latex-pdf do that for you by setting date_as_note to true in the yaml header of your post or the _config.ymls pdf section for all.

Integration of other jekyll plugins:


Check the (jekyll-scholar documentation)[] to figure out how citation works. Not everything is supported right now, send me an issue if you need a feature which doesn't work correct for you.

Basically this ignores most of the jekyll-scholar configuration which is just for the webpages it creates. You need to define your citation styles and so on in a customized template.


Use this to create figure environments inside html. With jekyll-latex-pdf you get also the figure environment inside latex files.

jekyll-figure did not use label and reference, which is often used in latex documents. So I implemented this to jekyll-figure, see my (pull request)[]. As long as the pull isn't activated, you can use

  gem 'jekyll-figure', git: '', branch: 'figure_label'

in your jekyll sites Gemfile to have that feature activated for websites.

Other extras


tikz is a graphics interface used in latex. We add support for using tikz also for html files, so you can use

   {% tikz filename %}
     \tikz code goes here
   {% endtikz %}

On your page. This will use latex to render the tikz code to a pdf which will be converted to svg and png then. This svg is included as object. For latex, the tikz code will go directly into the source file and will be rendered during the rendering process.

You can also use tikzlibraries by using for example:

   {% tikz filename libraries: arrows snakes %}

You can adjust the tikz_path if you want to store the svg and png files somewhere else. The svg file will be used in your page by default, but if the browser cannot render it, the png file will be used.

You need to have pdf2svg and graphicsmagick installed on your system.

Different versions for html and latex.

Kramdowns (nomarkdown)[] extension is great for this. Simple example:

{::nomarkdown type="latex"}
This should be written in latex, and will not be put in the html version.

{::nomarkdown type="html"}
This will only be available in the HTML version of the page.  Use HTML instead
of markdown here.


  • add cite support in the abstract.


This packages is hardly in development at the moment. Feel free to add feature requests and issues. Help is welcome.

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.