Jekyll ical tag

Author: Ricky Chilcott

Description: Pull ICS feed and provide a for-like loop of calendar events


To your Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-ical-tag', git: ""

To your _config.yml

  - jekyll-ical-tag


  {% calendar url: reverse: true only_future: true %}
    {{ event.summary }}
    {{ event.description }}
    {{ event.simple_html_description }}
    {{ event.start_time }}
    {{ event.end_time }}
    {{ event.url }}
    {{ event.attendees }}
  {% endcalendar %}


  • reverse - Defaults to 'false', ordering events by start_time (or reverse start_time).
  • only_past - Defaults to 'false', limits returned events to start_times before now.
  • only_future - Defaults to 'false', limits returned events to start_time after now.

  • before_date - limits returned events to dates before a specific date. This gets parsed with Ruby's Time.parse (e.g. 01-01-2018)

  • after_date - limits returned events to dates before a specific date. This gets parsed with Ruby's Time.parse (e.g. 01-01-2018).

Event Attributes:

  • summary - Title or name of event
  • description - Notes/description of event
  • simple_html_description - Notes/description of event with urls auto-linked
  • location - Location of event
  • start_time - start time of event
  • end_time - end time of event
  • url - url of event, if provided, if not, take the first url from the description.
  • attendees - [Array] of attendees names/emails