"Footnotes" is a Jekyll plugin that helps inserts footnote reference and body HTML, with automatic numbering, if desired.

All footnotes will include a superscript link to the footnotes body. The footnote body will include a link back to the footnote (using the ⏎ icon ) for easy reading.


  • Include "jekyll-footnotes" in your Gemfile, or install the gem
  • Add "jekyll/footnotes to the plugins section of _config.yml Note: jekyll-footnotes won't work. be sure to use the backslash.

Automatic numbering

hello{% fn %} world{% fn %}
{% footnotes %}
   {% fnbody %}
   {% endfnbody %}
   {% fnbody %}
   {% endfnbody %}
{% endfootnotes %}

Custom numbering:

hello{% fn 3 %} world{% fn 5 %}
{% footnotes %}
   {% fnbody 3 %}
   {% endfnbody %}
   {% fnbody 5 %}
   {% endfnbody %}
{% endfootnotes %}

CSS Styling

The following CSS selectors allow the footnotes, footnote bodies, and backlinks to be customised using CSS

.footnote {
  /* a single footnote link */
.footnotelist {
  /* entire footnote section */

.footnotelist .footnotebody {
  /* a single footnote body  */

.footnotelist .backlink {
  /* backlink to the footnote link */


Do not mix custom and automatic numbering (although it will work if you only use custom numbers above the highest automatic one).

Only numeric IDs are allowed currently.

We generate valid HTML5

© Ben Eills, 2013 © Julian Simioni, 2015

Released under the MIT License