Jekyll plugin that marks external links

In each Jekyll document or page content, updates <a> elements that point to external sites as follows:

  • Adds rel="external" attribute
  • Adds inner HTML markup with external link icon

You can specify a CSS selector for which links are to be marked, and a list of selectors for which links are to be ignored (ignored selectors take precedence).


Example configuration with defaults:

  selector: 'main a'
    - a[href*=travis]
    - a[href*=coverity]
    - a[href*=codecov]
  marker_html: "<span class='ico-ext'><i class='fas fa-external-link-square-alt'></i></span>"

As you can see, by default the Font Awesome’s fa-external-link-square-alt icon is used, which implies that you are using Font Awesome.

You can set marker_html to empty string and style links with custom CSS rule (e.g., a[rel=external] { border-bottom-style: dashed; }), though it’s less flexible.

Example site

An example site is included in this repo. Use it to demo the plugin and to test it during development. The / path leads to Markdown version, the /asciidoc/ path leads to AsciiDoc version.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Navigate into the example-project directory
  3. Run bundle
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. Open in your favorite browser the URL shown