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Introducing a plugin that reads data files within jekyll theme-gems and adds the resulting hash to the site's internal data hash. If a _config.yml is present at the root of the theme-gem, it will be read as well.


Simply add the plugin to your site's Gemfile and config file like every other jekyll plugin gems..

# Gemfile

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-data"
# _config.yml

  - jekyll-data

..and run

bundle install


Note: This plugin will only run in conjunction with a gem-based Jekyll-theme.

As long as the plugin gem has been installed properly, and is included in both the Gemfile & the config file, data-files supported by Jekyll and present in the _data directory at the root of your theme gem will be read. Their contents will be added to the site's internal data hash, provided, an identical data hash doesn't already exist at the site-source.

If the theme-gem also includes a _config.yml at its root, then it will be read as well. The resulting config hash will be mixed into the site's existing config hash, filling in where the keys are not already defined. In other words, the site's config hash without this plugin, will override the conflicting config hash generated by this plugin from reading the included _config.yml

Theme Configuration

Jekyll themes (built prior to Jekyll 3.2) usually ship with configuration settings defined in the config file, which are then used within the theme's template files directly under the site namespace (e.g. {{ site.myvariable }}). This is not possible with theme gems as a config file and data-files within gems are not natively read (as of Jekyll 3.3), and hence require end-users to inspect a demo or example directory to source those files.

This plugin provides a couple of solutions to that hurdle:

  • settings via _config.yml
    This plugin reads the config file (at present only _config.yml) and uses the data to modify the site's config hash. This allows the gem to continue using {{ site.myvariable }} within its templates.
  • settings via _data/[theme-name].*
    An alternate route is to have theme-specific settings defined as a hash, in a valid data file named the same as the theme-gem. The defined settings will be accessible via {{ theme.myvariable }}.
    e.g. if minima were to ship a YAML file with minima-specific settings (say, post_excerpt: enabled), then the gem would've a _data/minima.yml and this particular setting can be accessed in its templates via {{ theme.post_excerpt }} which is functionally equivalent to {{ }}
    Note: The {{ theme.variable }} is only available if the data-file is named the same as the theme-gem.

Regular Data-files

Regular data files that may be used to supplement theme templates (e.g. locales and translated UI text) can be named as desired. Either use a sub-directory to house related data-files or declare all of them as a mapped data block within a single file.

# <theme-gem>/_data/apparel.yml

  - color: white
    size: large
    image: s_w_lg.jpg
  - color: black
    size: large
    image: s_b_lg.jpg

  - color: khaki
    waist: 34
    image: j_kh_34.jpg
  - color: blue
    waist: 32
    image: j_bu_32.jpg

is the same as:

# <theme-gem>/_data/apparel/shirts.yml

- color: white
  size: large
  image: s_w_lg.jpg
- color: black
  size: large
  image: s_b_lg.jpg
# <theme-gem>/_data/apparel/jeans.yml

- color: khaki
  waist: 34
  image: j_kh_34.jpg
- color: blue
  waist: 32
  image: j_bu_32.jpg


To override directives shipped with a theme gem, simply have an identical hash at the site-source.

# <site_source_dir>/_data/navigation.yml

  - title: Home
    url: /
  - title: Kitchen Diaries
    url: /kitchen-diaries/
  - title: Tips & Tricks
    url: /tips-n-tricks/
  - title: Health Facts
    url: /health/
  - title: About Me
    url: /about/ 

would have overridden the following:

# <theme-gem>/_data/navigation/mainmenu.yml

- title: Link Item 1
  url: /link-one/
- title: Link Item 2
  url: /link-two/
- title: Link Item 3
  url: /link-three/


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at the GitHub Repo. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.