Praise the Omnissiah!

Jekyll Cleansing Rite purges heretical voidspace from HTML to appease Jekyll's Machine Spirit.


The Cleansing Rite first consists of lighting incense to appease Jekyll's Machine Spirit. Then, when Jekyll is rendering documents and pages, sacred Rituals will be performed to cleanse voidspace-ridden files. Those with arcane mastery of the command prompt may view these rituals if the following incantation is invoked:

$ JEKYLL_LOG_LEVEL='debug' jekyll build

The Following is Considered Great Heresy

This plugin uses htmlbeautifier to format HTML output before its written to a file in Jekyll's render pipeline. It exists because the resulting HTML source code that Jekyll outputs by default is pretty gross:

HTML without Cleaning Rite

    <div class="container">
      <header class="masthead">
        <h3 class="masthead-title">
          <a href="/" title="Home">Jamogriff</a>

  <ul class="nav">

          <a href="/about/">About</a>



HTML with Cleansing Rite

    <div class="container">
      <header class="masthead">
        <h3 class="masthead-title">
          <a href="/" title="Home">Jamogriff</a>
        <ul class="nav">
            <a href="/about/">About</a>

Available as a Gem

Just add the following to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

  - jekyll-cleansing-rite