
SQLite JDBC driver enables Java to access SQLite database files.

SQLite JDBC library requires no configuration since all native libraries for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and pure-java SQLite, which works in any OS enviroment, are assembled into a single JAR (Java Archive) file.

For more information see http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-jdbc/ and/or https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/wiki/Home


To make the driver accessible to JDBC and ActiveRecord code running in JRuby :

require 'jdbc/sqlite3'

For backwards compatibility with older (<= 3.7.2) versions of the gem use :

require 'jdbc/sqlite3'
Jdbc::SQLite3.load_driver(:require) if Jdbc::SQLite3.respond_to?(:load_driver)

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The JRuby Team.

SQLite JDBC is distributed under the Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.txt.