Jasonette Rails

A extension of the Jbuilder framework to facilitate building Jasonette flavored JSON in Rails.

ALPHA code!

Warning: Work in progress. Proceed with caution. Testers and contributions are welcome. This project is alpha code and still in highly experimental stage and subjected to drastic changes to the DSL. It is also quite full of bugs despite the unit tests you may find herein!

Note: Almost nothing about this gem is documented, however, you can find ample examples in the project's spec/lib/jasonette/... folders. Generally speaking, the DSL follows the $jason structure closely and supporting classes are organized in sub-folders of the project's lib/jasonette/... accordingly.

Since it is hooked into Jbuilder, you're able to mix and match Jbuilder directives alongside the extensions provided through this gem. But it's challenging at the moment to "get it right" so everything stays in hierarchical context.

Here lies trouble!

  • There is limited support for breaking apart giant jbuilder templates into smaller partials. Right now, there's just two "hooks" into the Jbuilder library and that's "json.jason" and "json.body"

  • asset_paths don't quite work. For example, image_url('some_image.png') only yields a relative path and w/o fingerprint.

  • not all components are represented, yet. layouts, labels, images, but not button, textfield, textarea, etc.

  • Templates, mixins, etc. are not yet built.

  • When you introduce structural errors, the error may be cryptic, basically showing only "failed to load with I/O error reported"


  • implement all the Jasonette components
  • implement Templates, Mixins, etc.
  • fix asset Helpers
  • better error detection and handling
  • refining implementation in the various classes
  • document
  • add Linting?


If I haven't done enough to scare you away, then check out the code and play around and provide feedback!
Some of the techniques I used are stretching the limits of my understanding of Rails rendering engine and Ruby scoping, esp. with meta-programming, so watch out (and help out)!

This gem allows to to write the JSON structure expected by a Jasonette application in a much more powerful way than with Jbuilder alone.

There's a demo app published here: https://github.com/mwlang/jasonette-rails-demo/tree/gemified

The master branch has the traditional Jbuilder approach throughout. The gemified branch is built using the extensions of this gem.

For example:

Here's how the "hello.json" demo JSON would be rendered with this gem:

json.jason do
  head.title "{ ˃̵̑ᴥ˂̵̑}"
  head.action("$foreground") { reload! }
  head.action("$pull") { reload! }
  body do
    sections do
      items do
        image image_url("rails-logo.png") do
          style do
            align "center"
            padding "30"

        layout :vertical do
          style do
            padding "30"
            spacing "20"
            align "center"
          components do
            label "It's ALIVE!" do
              style do
                align "center"
                font "Courier-Bold"
                size "18"

            label do
              text "This is a demo app. You can make your own app by changing the url inside settings.plist"
              style do
                align "center"
                font "Courier"
                padding "10"
                size "14"

            label "{ ˃̵̑ᴥ˂̵̑}" do
              style do
                align "center"
                font "HelveticaNeue-Bold"
                size "50"

        label "Check out Live DEMO" do
          style do
            align "right"
            padding "10"
            color "#000000"
            font "HelveticaNeue"
            size "12"

          href do
            url "file://demo.json"
            fresh "true"

        label "Watch the tutorial video" do
          style do
            align "right"
            padding "10"
            color "#000000"
            font "HelveticaNeue"
            size "12"
          href do
            url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfevBAAfCMQ"
            view "web"

        label "View documentation" do
          style do
            align "right"
            padding "10"
            color "#000000"
            font "HelveticaNeue"
            size "12"
          href do
            url "https://jasonette.github.io/documentation"
            view "web"

The goal is to make things a lot easier to build than with Jbuilder alone. For example, above, it's much easier to build the sections, items, and components without having to deal with child!, array!, or partials with collections. Which also makes it a lot easier to build arrays of heterogeneous components.

Building your data is a snap, too. For example:

json.jason do
  head do
    title "Beatles"
    data.names ["John", "George", "Paul", "Ringo"]
    data.songs [
        {album: "My Bonnie", song: "My Bonnie"},
        {album: "My Bonnie", song: "Skinny Minnie"},
        {album: "Please Please Me", song: "I Saw Her Standing There"},

Some things get a lot less verbose

style blocks using hashes:

json.jason do
  head do
    title "Foobar"
    style "styled_row", font: "HelveticaNeue", size: 20, color: "#FFFFFF", padding: 10
    style "col", font: "RobotoBold", color: "#FF0055"


  "$jason": {
    "head": {
        "title": "Foobar",
        "styles": {
          "styled_row": {
            "font": "HelveticaNeue",
            "size": "20",
            "color": "#FFFFFF",
            "padding": "10",
          "col": {
            "font": "RobotoBold",
            "color": "#FF0055",

You can even do the bare minimum head block like this:

json.jason do
  head.title "Simple!"
  body do
    # Your Brilliant App

...more to come!...


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jasonette-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jasonette

Then start using. Basically, start with "json.jason" to get your opening $jason block and


How to contribute to Jasonette Rails

Do you have a bug report or a feature request?

  • Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.

  • If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.

Did you write a patch that fixes a bug?

If you find a bug anywhere in the code, or have any improvements anywhere else, please feel free to:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a feature branch (fork the master branch)
  3. Fix
  4. Send a pull request
  • Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.

  • Please include specs that cover the issue. PR will not be accepted without the relevant tests to support the change.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.