Opinionated Lambda Tooling



Currently we distributed the jarbs runtime via gems hosted by RubyGems.org.

gem install jarbs


For the most up-to-date documentation and usage, run jarbs -h

Generate a new lambda project:

jarbs new my-function

This produces:

- my-function/
  package.json (for build and dev deps)
  - lambdas/
    - my-function/
      - src/
        index.js (placeholder handler function)
        package.json (for lambda dependencies)

Generate another lambda in the same project

(while in the project folder created above):

jarbs new other-function

Your project will then look like:

- my-function/
  - lambdas/
    - my-function/
      - src/
    - other-function/
      - src/

Deploy to Lambda

jarbs deploy my-function

You can provide the ARN role via --role at invocation, or it will ask you for one during runtime. This will perform the following:

  1. Build code using BabelJS via the default npm build:function step as defined in the function's package.json. This build step also copies the compiled code from src to dest. If you customize the npm build:function step, the customization will also need to perform this same copy.
  2. Install npm dependecies via npm install --production in the dest directory.
  3. Package the dest dir as a zip archive (in memory).
  4. Upload to S3
  5. Destroy dest artifacts.

If you have already deployed this function to lambda before, it will update the code with your changes.

All functions are prefixed with the --env provided (i.e. 'dev', 'prod'). The env defaults to 'dev'.

Remove from Lambda

jarbs rm my-function

Will destroy the lambda function on AWS (will still leave files in your lambdas directory). You can specify multiple functions here if you wish.


This software is provided under the the MIT license.