
Welcome Jahuty's Ruby SDK!


This library requires Ruby 2.3+.

It is multi-platform, and we strive to make it run equally well on Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile, where x is the latest major version number:

gem "jahuty", "~> 1.0"

And then execute:

$ bundle


Before use, the library needs to be configured with your API key (ideally, once during startup):

require "jahuty"

Jahuty.key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

With the API key set, you can use the get() method to retrieve a snippet:

Then, use the .get method to fetch a snippet:

require "jahuty"

# retrieve the snippet
snippet = Snippet.get YOUR_SNIPPET_ID

# convert it to a string

# or, access its attributes

In an HTML view:

require "jahuty"  

Jahuty.key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
<!doctype html>
    <title>Awesome example</title>
    <%= Snippet.get YOUR_SNIPPET_ID %>


You can pass parameters into your snippet with an optional second argument:

require "jahuty"

Snippet.get(YOUR_SNIPPET_ID, {
  foo:   "bar",
  baz:   ["qux", "quux"],
  corge: {
    grault: {
      garply: "waldo"

The parameters above would be equivalent to assigning the variables below in your snippet:

{% assign foo = "bar" %}
{% assign baz = ["qux", "quux"] %}
{% assign corge.grault.garply = "waldo" %}


If you don't set your API key before calling Snippet.get, a StandardError will be raised. If an error occurs with Jahuty's API, a NotOk exception will be raised:

require "jahuty"

  Snippet.get YOUR_SNIPPET_ID
rescue StandardError => e
  # hmm, did you set the API key first?
rescue Jahuty::Exception::NotOk => e
  # hmm, the API returned something besides 2xx status code
  puts e.problem.type    # a URL to more information
  puts e.problem.status  # the status code
  puts e.problem.detail  # a description of the error

That's it!


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.