
A fast runtime for execjs using node js. Inspired by execjs-fastnode.

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In Gemfile: gem 'isomorfeus-speednode', then bundle install


Isomorfeus-speednode provides one node based runtime Speednode which runs scripts in node vms. The runtime can be chosen by:

ExecJS.runtime = ExecJS::Runtimes::Speednode

If node cant find node modules for the permissive contexts (see below), its possible to set the load path before assigning the runtime:

ENV['NODE_PATH'] = './node_modules'


Each ExecJS context runs in a node vm. Speednode offers two kinds of contexts:

  • a compatible context, which is compatible with default ExecJS behavior.
  • a permissive context, which is more permissive and allows to require node modules.


A compatible context can be created with the standard ExecJS.compile or code can be executed within a compatible context by using the standard ExecJS.eval or ExecJS.exec. Example for a compatible context:

compat_context = ExecJS.compile('Test = "test"')


A permissive context can be created with ExecJS.permissive_compile or code can be executed within a permissive context by using
ExecJS.permissive_eval or ExecJS.permissive_exec. Example for a permissive context:

perm_context = ExecJS.permissive_compile('Test = "test"')

Evaluation in a permissive context:



Highly scientific, maybe.

standard ExecJS CoffeeScript call benchmark, but 1000 rounds:
                                                   user     system      total        real
Isomorfeus Speednode Compatible Node.js (V8)   0.042263   0.017215   0.059478 (  0.442855)
Node.js (V8) fast                              0.222875   0.087109   0.309984 (  0.806736)
mini_racer (V8)                                0.425273   0.013478   0.438751 (  0.304434)

call overhead benchmark, 1000 rounds:
                                                   user     system      total        real
Isomorfeus Speednode Compatible Node.js (V8)   0.023060   0.010358   0.033418 (  0.059640)
Node.js (V8) fast                              0.191454   0.081396   0.272850 (  0.368568)
mini_racer (V8)                                0.017091   0.002494   0.019585 (  0.019584)

To run benchmarks:

  • clone repo
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec rake bench


To run tests:

  • clone repo
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec rake test