isi = Ruby Scripts and Libraries for ISI Export Format

What is isi?

“isi” is a set of Ruby libraries and scripts for ISI Export Format. isi2bibtex converts ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format. isi2html generates a list of articles in an HTML file. The package also includes isi2kakenhi and isi2tohoku.

(ISI Web of Science provides their bibliographic information in ISI Export Format. You can get the tagged Marked List in Web of Science by clicking the [SAVE TO FILE] button.)

Where is the homepage of isi?

Where can I download isi?

Go to .

How can I install isi?

There are three different ways to install isi.

I. Conservative way; use setup.rb

isi-X.Y.Z.tgz package can be installed as:

$ tar zxf isi-X.Y.Z.tgz
$ cd isi-X.Y.Z
$ su
# ruby setup.rb

Note that the text-format library is required.

II. RubyGems users can take an easy way

There is an easy way, if you are a RubyGems user:

$ su
# gem install isi

If you do not have the text-format library, gem will download and install the library automatically. The gem server is busy sometimes. If you fail in downloading, please try again.

III. Simple way; just copy isi.rb and journaltitleabbreviation.rb

Just copy lib/isi.rb (isi-X.Y.Z.rb) and lib/journaltitleabbreviation.rb (journaltitleabbreviation-X.Y.Z.rb) into your working directory which contains your saved “Marked List”, e.g. savedrecs.txt.

 $ cp lib/isi.rb lib/journaltitleabbreviation.rb ~/your/working/directory/
($ cp isi-X.Y.Z.rb ~/your/working/directory/isi.rb)
 $ cp lib/journaltitleabbreviation.rb ~/your/working/directory/
($ cp journaltitleabbreviation-X.Y.Z.rb ~/your/working/directory/journaltitleabbreviation.rb)
 $ cd ~/your/working/directory/
 $ ruby isi.rb savedrecs1.txt savedrecs2.txt
 $ ruby isi.rb < savedrecs.txt > savedrecs.bib

Last two lines are examples of usage for this installation way.

Note that the text-format library is required.

How can I use it?

Save the marked records to an output file in ISI Web of Science

Mark the articles in ISI Web of Science. Then, view and save the marked records to an output file (savedrecs.txt). I recommend to check “Author(s)”, “Title”, “Source”, “abstract*”, “keywords”, “times cited” and “source abbreviation” as the fields to include in the output file.

Here are some examples

$ isi2bibtex savedrecs.txt
$ isi2bibtex savedrecs1.txt savedrecs2.txt > savedrecs.bib
$ isi2bibtex < savedrecs.txt > savedrecs.bib
$ cat savedrecs.txt | isi2bibtex > savedrecs.bib

Some other useful executables

For KakenhiLaTeX

$ isi2kakenhi --help
$ isi2kakenhi --name-regexp='(H\. Yukawa|Hideki Yukawa)' savedrecs.txt > papers.tex

For the database of “Academic Research Staff at Tohoku University”

$ isi2tohoku --help
$ isi2tohoku --id 12345678 --name 'Example Name' savedrecs.txt

To convert ISI Export Format to HTML

$ isi2html --help
$ isi2html --full-name='Hideki Yukawa' --name-regexp='(H\. Yukawa|Hideki Yukawa)' savedrecs.txt > index.html

You can use isi as a library.

Here is an example:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'   # You may not need this line.
require 'isi'

class ISI_record
  def to_title_author
    "#{@hash['TI']} - #{and_separated_authors}\n"

while rec = ARGF.read_an_ISI_record
  print rec.to_title_author


isi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. You can copy, modify and redistribute isi, but only under the conditions described in the GNU General Public License (the “GPL”). For more detail, see COPYING.

Thanks to contributor(s)!

  • Marcin Dulak

Who is the author?


Why did he write it?

Because he do not like the output format of the Perl version.

Is there a Perl version?

Yes. You can find the Perl version by Jonathan Swinton, Ben Bolker, Anthony Stone, John J. Lee in CTAN .

I do not like the output format of isi2bibtex, neither!

The output format is defined in the source code WYSIWYGly. So you can easily change the output format by yourself.

How can I get the latest source tree of isi?

You can checkout the latest source tree of isi anonymously from RubyForge with svn(1) command:

$ svn checkout svn://

Meanings of tags in ISI Export Format

file-unique tags

FN: File type. The file starts with 'FN ISI Export Format'
VR: Version number of ISI export file format
EF: End of file

normal tags

AB: Abstract
AF: Authors Full (AU Foo, BAR -> AF Foo, B. A. R.; AU Nishimatsu, T -> AF Nishimatsu Takeshi)
AP: Article number of new APS journals (in ISI Web of Knowledge, 2008-)
AR: Article number of new APS journals
AU: Authors
BP: Beginning page
C1: Research addresses
CA: Group authors
CL: Conference location
CR: Cited references
CT: Conference title
CY: Conference Date
DE: Original keywords
DT: Document type
ED: Editors
EM: E-mail address
EP: Ending page
ER: end of a record
FN: File name
FU: Funding agency and grant number
FX: Funding text
GA: IDS number (ISI original)
ID: New keywords given by ISI
IS: issue
J9: 29-character journal title abbreviation
JI: ISO journal title abbreviation
LA: Language
NR: Cited reference count
PD: Publication date e.g. "JUN 8" or "JUL"
PA: Publisher Address
PG: the number of pages
PI: Publisher city
PN: Part number
PT: Publication type (e.g., book, journal, book in series)
PU: Publisher
PY: Publication year
RP: Reprint address
SE: Book series title
SI: Special issue
SO: journal title, in full
SP: Conference Sponsors
SU: Supplement
TC: Times cited
TI: Title
UT: ISI unique article identifier
VL: Volume
WP: Publisher web address

isi original tags


Known bugs

* none.


* lib/isi.rb combine ISI_record#and_separated_authors() and ISI_record#comma_and_separated_authors()
  into ISI_record#separated_authors()
* Write papers, not tools for writing papers.
* tests/isi_test.rb

# Local variables: # mode: RD # compile-command: “rake index.en.html” # End: