
Inject dynamic lorem ipsum directly into your markup with customized length and link options.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ipsummer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ipsummer


Create a paragraph by calling Ipsummer.paragraph. To customize the number of sentences in the paragraph, pass the min_sentences and/or max_sentences argument. To add links into the text, pass links: true.

<%= Ipsummer.paragraph %>

<%= Ipsummer.paragraph min_sentences: 8 %>

= Ipsummer.paragraph links: true

= Ipsummer.paragraph min_sentences: 3, max_sentences: 5, links: true

If you only want the paragraph content but not the wrapping <p> tags, call Ipsummer.unwrapped_paragraph.

<p><%= Ipsummer.unwrapped_paragraph %></p>

%p= Ipsummer.unwrapped_paragraph min_sentences: 8

Create a headline by calling Ipsummer.headline. To specify the heading level, pass the level number (1-6) to level. To customize the number of words in the headline, pass the min_words and/or max_words argument. To add a period at the end of the headline, pass period: true.

<%= Ipsummer.headline %>

<%= Ipsummer.headline min_words: 3, max_words: 4 %>

= Ipsummer.headline level: 3

= Ipsummer.headline level: 2, period: true, min_words: 3

If you only want the headline content but not the wrapping <h*> tags, call Ipsummer.unwrapped_headline.

<h2><%= Ipsummer.unwrapped_headline min_words: 3, max_words: 4 %></h2>

%h2= Ipsummer.unwrapped_headline level: 3


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request