IOSParse will parse Cisco IOS configuration files, more functionality coming.

How do I use it?

Good question. First install it using gem install iosparse. Then use it. Create a new IOSParse object passing it the filename of the Cisco IOS config file (usually a show all type of dump file, I have included a mock config spec/etc/cisco_asa.config). Then ask it questions:

config ='path/to/ios.conf')
puts config.interfaces

[0] => interface GigabitEthernet0/0\n description PHYSICAL_INTERFACE_0\n no nameif\n no security-level\n no ip address
[1] => interface GigabitEthernet0/0.74\n description VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_0.74\n vlan 74\n nameif INTERNAL\n security-level 70\n ip address standby
[2] => interface GigabitEthernet0/0.82\n description VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_0.82\n vlan 82\n nameif DMZ\n security-level 30\n ip address standby
[3] => interface GigabitEthernet0/0.83\n description VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_0.83\n vlan 83\n nameif WEB\n security-level 30\n ip address standby
[4] => interface GigabitEthernet0/1\n description PHYSICAL_INTERFACE_1\n no nameif\n no security-level\n no ip address

All objects returned are arrays that can be further manipulated and parsed. "Human readable" format coming soon, maybe even a CLI. Please note the mock Cisco ASA config file in the spec test is completely fabricated and is not intended to be a correct configuration, it is only to be used for it's syntax.

All '\n' are inject to show where children lines separate from the parent and allowed for easy String#gsub to parse and print in other formats. There is also a find() method that allows you to customize searches, feel free to look at the documentation link on the rubygems site.