
IosBox is tool that integrates with XCode to automate some of the tasks.

Current Features

Currently IosBox supports following features:

  • Build Prepare (build prepare) Build prepare task generates new build and bundle version and stores it to application Info.plist. It also prepares buildcache for further tasks.

  • Version Management (version) IosBox offers simple IosBox offers simple tasks to bump version numbers. Either it is patch, minor or major version bump, IosBox automatically handles increasing current version number.

Planned Features

In the roadmap are following features (but not yet planned)

  • Library adding, such as analytics, Hoptoad, adwhirl, etc.
  • Asset management, slicing assets according to receipt etc.
  • More to come, open for suggestions...


Install IosBox gem if you haven't done yet so

$ gem install ios-box

Integrate toolbox with your XCode project by executing following command:

$ ios-box integrate

Notice! This command will modify your XCode project file and therefore can make your project to stop working. Make sure you have proper backups done.


Run ios-box help in project folder to see available commands.


ios-box integrate

Integrates ios-box to current project. During integration process you can choose which targets build preparation task is ran.

ios-box build prepare

This task prepares build process and can be only ran during XCode build phase.

ios-box version show

Displays current version information of the project.

ios-box version build

Increments build number.

ios-box version bump [major|minor]

Bumps marketing version by one step. By default it increases patch level but if ptional argument is given, either major or minor version is increased.


Copyright © 2011 Mikko Kokkonen. See LICENSE.txt for further details.