Draft State

This draft is also implemented by the Agoo server according to the specifications stated in Rack PR#1272.


This document details WebSocket / EventSource connection support for Rack servers.

The purpose of these specifications is:

  1. To allow separation of concerns between the transport layer and the application, thereby allowing the application to be server agnostic.

    Simply put, when choosing between conforming servers, the application doesn’t need to have any knowledge about the chosen server.

  2. To support “native" (server-side) WebSocket and EventSource (SSE) connections and using application side callbacks.

    Simply put, to make it easy for applications to accept WebSocket and EventSource (SSE) connections from WebSocket and EventSource clients (commonly browsers) while abstracting away any transport layer details.

  3. Allow applications to use WebSocket and EventSource (SSE) on HTTP/2 servers. Note: current hijack practices will break network connections when attempting to implement EventSource (SSE).

Rack WebSockets / EventSource

Servers that publish WebSocket and/or EventSource (SSE) support using the env['rack.upgrade?'] value MUST follow the requirements set in this document.

This document reserves the Rack env Hash keys of rack.upgrade? and rack.upgrade.

The historical use of upgrade.websocket? and upgrade.websocket (iodine 0.4.x) will be gradually deprecated.

The WebSocket / EventSource Callback Object

WebSocket and EventSource connection upgrade and handling is performed using a Callback Object.

The Callback Object could be a any object which implements any of the following callbacks:

  • on_open(client) WILL be called once the connection had been established.

  • on_message(client, data) WILL be called when incoming WebSocket data is received.

    This callback is ignored for EventSource connections.

    data will be a String with an encoding of UTF-8 for text messages and binary encoding for non-text messages (as specified by the WebSocket Protocol).

    The callback object MUST assume that the data String will be a recyclable buffer and that it's content will be corrupted the moment the on_message callback returns.

    Servers MAY, optionally, implement a recyclable buffer for the on_message callback. However, this is optional and it is not required.

  • on_drained(client) MAY be called when the the client.write buffer becomes empty. If client.pending returns a non-zero value, the on_drained callback MUST be called once the write buffer becomes empty.

  • on_shutdown(client) MAY be called during the server's graceful shutdown process, before the connection is closed and in addition to the on_close function (which is called after the connection is closed.

  • on_close(client) MUST be called after the connection was closed for whatever reason (socket errors, parsing errors, timeouts, client disconnection, client.close being called, etc').

The server MUST provide the Callback Object with a client object, that supports the following methods (this approach promises applications could be server agnostic):

  • write(data) will schedule the data to be sent. data MUST be a String.

    A call to write only promises that the data is scheduled to be sent. Servers are encouraged to avoid blocking and return immediately, deferring the actual write operation for later.

    write shall return true on success and false if the connection is closed.

    For WebSocket connections only (irrelevant for EventSource connections):

    • If data is UTF-8 encoded, the data will be sent as text.
    • If data is binary encoded it will be sent as non-text (as specified by the WebSocket Protocol).

    A server SHOULD document whether write will block. It is RECOMMENDED that servers implement buffered IO, allowing write to return immediately when resources allow and block (or, possibly, disconnect) when the IO buffer is full.

  • close closes the connection once all the data in the outgoing queue was sent. If close is called while there is still data to be sent, close will only take effect once the data was sent.

    close shall always return nil.

  • open? returns true if the connection isn't known to have been closed and false if the connection is known to be closed or marked to be closed.

  • pending MUST return -1 if the connection is closed. Otherwise, pending SHOULD return the number of pending writes (messages in the write queue*) that need to be processed before the next time the on_drained callback is called.

    Servers MAY choose to always return the value 0 if they never call the on_drained callback and the connection is open.

    Servers that return a positive number MUST call the on_drained callback when a call to pending would return the value 0.

    *Servers that divide large messages into a number of smaller messages (implement message fragmentation) MAY count each fragment separately, as if the fragmentation was performed by the user and write was called more than once per message.

  • env (iodine specific for now) returns the Rack env hash related to the originating HTTP request. Some changes to the env hash (such as removal of the IO hijacking support) might be required by the implementation.

WebSocket ping / pong, timeouts and network considerations should be implemented by the server. It is RECOMMENDED (but not required) that the server send pings to prevent connection timeouts and detect network failure.

Server settings MAY (not required) be provided to allow for customization and adaptation for different network environments or WebSocket extensions. It is RECOMMENDED that any settings be available as command line arguments and not incorporated into the application's logic.

Implementation Examples

Server-Client Upgrade to WebSockets / EventSource

  • Server:

    When a WebSocket upgrade request arrives, the server will set the env['rack.upgrade?'] flag to :websocket, indicating that: 1. this specific request is upgradable; and 2. the server supports this specification for WebSocket connections.

    When an EventSource request arrives, the server will set the env['rack.upgrade?'] flag to :sse, indicating that: 1. this specific request is an EventSource request; and 2. the server supports this specification.

  • Client:

    When a client decides to upgrade a request, they will place an appropriate Callback Object in the env['rack.upgrade'] Hash key.

  • Server:

1. The server will review the `env` Hash *before* sending the response. If the `env['rack.upgrade']` was set, the server will perform the upgrade.

2. The server will send the correct response status and headers, as well as any headers present in the response object. The server will also perform any required housekeeping, such as closing the response body, if it exists.

     The response status provided by the response object shall be ignored and the correct response status shall be set by the server.

     If the application's response status indicates an error or a redirection (status code >= 300), the server shall ignore the Callback Object.

3. Once the upgrade had completed, the server will call the `on_open` callback.

    No other callbacks shall be called until the `on_open` callback had returned.

    WebSocket messages shall be handled by the `on_message` callback in the same order in which they arrive and the `on_message` will **not** be executed concurrently for the same connection.

    The `on_close` callback will **not** be called while any other callback is running (`on_open`, `on_message`, `on_drained`, etc').

    The `on_drained` callback might be called concurrently with the `on_message` callback, allowing data to be sent even while other data is being processed. Multi-threading considerations may apply.

Example Usage

The following is an example WebSocket echo server implemented using this specification:

class WSConnection
    def on_open(client)
        puts "WebSocket connection established."
    def on_message(client, data)
        client.write data
        puts "on_drained MUST be implemented if #{ pending } != 0."
    def on_drained(client)
        puts "Yap,on_drained is implemented."
    def on_shutdown(client)
        client.write "The server is going away. Goodbye."
    def on_close(client)
        puts "WebSocket connection closed."

module App
   def self.call(env)
       if(env['rack.upgrade?'.freeze] == :websocket)
           env['rack.upgrade'.freeze] = WSConnection.new
           return [0, {}, []]
       return [200, {"Content-Length" => "12", "Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello World!"]]

run App

The following example uses Push notifications for both WebSocket and SSE connections. The Pub/Sub API isn't part of this specification but it is supported by iodine:

class Chat
    def initialize(nickname)
        @nickname = nickname
    def on_open(client)
        client.subscribe "chat"
        client.publish "chat", "#{@nickname} joined the chat."
    def on_message(client, data)
        client.publish "chat", "#{@nickname}: #{data}"
    def on_close(client)
        client.publish "chat", "#{@nickname}: left the chat."

module App
   def self.call(env)
           nickname = env['PATH_INFO'][1..-1]
           nickname = "Someone" if nickname == "".freeze
           env['rack.upgrade'.freeze] = Chat.new(nickname)
           return [0, {}, []]
       return [200, {"Content-Length" => "12", "Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello World!"]]

run App

Note that SSE connections will only be able to receive messages (the on_message callback is never called).