Inventory::Server Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

Inventory is an HTTP and SMTP Server that process and index facts produced by facter.

Installation, the Docker way

$ git clone
$ cd inventory
$ docker-compose up -d

Installation, the hard way

Install ElasticSearch, Kibana, ruby >=1.9 and bundler manually

$ git clone
$ cd inventory
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rackup                # to start the HTTP Server
$ bundle exec bin/inventory-smtpd   # to start the SMTP Server


Send facts by HTTP:

$ facter --json | curl -d @- localhost:9292/api/v1/facts/`hostname`
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | facts_parser.rb:20       | Facts parser
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | json_schema_valid...:14  | JSON Schema Validator
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | json_schema_valid...:24  | No JSON Schema found at /etc/inventory/json_schema/facts/1-0-0.json, skip validation
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | index.rb:23              | Index
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | index.rb:38              | {"_index":"inventory_facts","_type":"1-0-0","_id":"dahu","_version":2,"created":false}
2015-03-01 19:03:39 +0100 t-4864360    [dahu  ] INFO  | http_server.rb:16        | - - [01/Mar/2015 19:03:39] "POST /api/v1/facts/dahu HTTP/1.1" 200 36 0.0383 - - [01/Mar/2015 19:03:39] "POST /api/v1/facts/dahu HTTP/1.1" 200 36 0.0390

Or send facts by Email:

facter --json | mail -s `hostname` inventory@localdomain
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [      ] INFO  | email_parser.rb:9        | Email parser
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [dahu  ] INFO  | facts_parser.rb:20       | Facts parser
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [dahu  ] INFO  | json_schema_valid...:14  | JSON Schema Validator
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [dahu  ] INFO  | json_schema_valid...:24  | No JSON Schema found at /etc/inventory/json_schema/facts/1-0-0.json, skip validation
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [dahu  ] INFO  | index.rb:23              | Index
2015-03-01 19:43:35 +0100 t-70045727140840 [dahu  ] INFO  | index.rb:38              | {"_index":"inventory_facts","_type":"1-0-0","_id":"dahu","_version":6,"created":false}


Inventory is built with plugins in mind. The default plugins could be found in the plugins dir. The default execution order is this one: log_failures_on_disk,facts_parser,json_schema_validator,index

To add/remove plugins or change the order, you have to change 2 configurations options (see configurations options below)

  • plugins_path
  • plugins

You could create your own plugin, copy the example plugins/sample.rb to start.


If an error is raised during the processing, the received facts will be stored in the file failed_facts_dir/$ID and the error message, stacktrace and context will be written to failed_facts_dir/$ID.log


Transform JSON, YAML, XML and XML with __base64__ into a ruby hash


Check if the received facts are compliant with the JSON Schema in json_schema_dir/$TYPE/$VERSION.json


Index the received facts in ElasticSearch


Configuration options could be set via environment variables. Each option should be prefixed with INVENTORY_. For exemple: export INVENTORY_LOG_LEVEL=ERROR

Configurations could also be defined in a YAML file: /etc/inventory/inventory.yml

The following options are configurable:

  • host (default: ''): SMTP host to bind on
  • smtp_port (default: 2525): SMTP port
  • max_connections (default: 4): SMTP maximum number of simultaneus allowed connexions
  • es_host (default: 'http//localhost9200'): ElasticSearch URL
  • es_index_prefix (default: 'inventory_'): ElasticSearch index prefix
  • failed_facts_dir (default: '/var/log/inventory/failures'): Dir where failed facts will be written to
  • logger (default: 'stdout'): stout/stderr or file for log destination
  • log_level (default: 'INFO'): DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR
  • debug (default: false): Show more details, need log_level on DEBUG
  • type_key (default: 'type'): Facts key that will be used as a type
  • type_default (default: 'facts'): Default type if type_key not found in facts
  • version_key (default: 'version'): Facts key that wll be used as a version
  • version_default (default: '1-0-0'): Default version if not version_key found
  • json_schema_dir (default: '/etc/inventory/json_schema'): directory containing JSON Schema
  • plugins_path (default: ''): a directory containing middlewares.
  • plugins (default: log_failures_on_disk,facts_parser,json_schema_validator,index): a comma separated list of plugins that will be executed in order.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request