
Intuit OAuth Ruby Client

This client library is meant to work with Intuit's OAuth and OpenID implementation. The AuthClient object response can be used for User Info API, Accounting API and Payments API. This library supports:

  • Generating Authorization URL
  • Getting OAuth2 Bearer Token
  • Getting User Info
  • Validating OpenID token
  • Refreshing OAuth2 Token
  • Revoking OAuth2 Token
  • Migrating tokens from OAuth1.0 to OAuth2


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'intuit-oauth'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install 'intuit-oauth'

Usage Examples

The below example tells how to construct the IntuitOAuth Client and use it to generate an OAuth 2 token.

require 'intuit-oauth'

client = IntuitOAuth::Client.new('client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirectUrl', 'environment')
scopes = [

authorizationCodeUrl = oauth_client.code.get_auth_uri(scopes)
# => https://appcenter.intuit.com/connect/oauth2?client_id=clientId&redirect_uri=redirectUrl&response_type=code&scope=com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting&state=rMwcoDITc2N6FJsUGGO9

oauth2Token = oauth_client.token.get_bearer_token('the authorization code returned from authorizationCodeUrl')
# => #<IntuitOAuth::ClientResponse:0x00007f9152b5c418 @access_token="the access token", @expires_in=3600, @refresh_token="the refresh token", @x_refresh_token_expires_in=8726400>

Initialize OAuth client object

Create an OAuth 2 client to send requests

oauth_client = IntuitOAuth::Client.new('YourClientID', 'YourClientSecret', 'http://localhost:3000/token/new', 'sandbox')

Add scopes

Define the scopes for the app

scopes = [

General Authorization Code URL

The URL for users to click on the "Authorizate" button. An authorization code will sent to the redirect URL defined in your app

url = oauth_client.code.get_auth_uri(scopes)

Exchange Authorization Code for OAuth 2.0 Token

Once the user has authorized your app, an authorization code will be sent to your Redirect_URL defined in your client. Exchange the authorization code for an OAuth 2.0 token object.

result = oauth_client.token.get_bearer_token('The_authorization_code')

Refresh Token

Refresh the OAuth 2.0 token using refresh token. Remember to store the OAuth 2.0 refresh token to your own database.

newToken = oauth_client.token.refresh_tokens('Your_refresh_token')

Get User Info

Get the user info based on the scopes for OpenID


Call migration method

If you have migrated your OAuth 1.0 app to OAuth 2.0 app, and want to exchange your OAuth 1.0 token to OAuth 2.0 token, use migrate_tokens method

result=oauth_client.Migrate.migrate_tokens(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret, scopes)

Issues and Contributions

Please open an issue <https://github.com/intuit/oauth-rubyclient/issues> on GitHub if you have a problem, suggestion, or other comment.

Pull requests are welcome and encouraged! Any contributions should include new or updated unit tests as necessary to maintain thorough test coverage.


intuit-oauth is provided under Apache 2.0 found <https://github.intuit.com/hlu2/oauth-rubyclient/blob/master/LICENSE>__