
Intl.js gemificated


I will follow Intl.js version numbers.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'intljs-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install intljs-rails


The Intl.js files will be added to the asset pipeline and available for you to use. So, you should add, in app/assets/javascripts/application.js, these lines:

//= require Intl


Where locale-data/json is the content of a wanted locales

Or, you can add all locales using:

//= require Intl.complete



Feel free to open an issue ticket if you find something that could be improved. A couple notes:

  • If it's an issue pertaining to the Intl javascript, please report it to the Intl.js project.

  • If the Intl scripts are outdated (i.e. maybe a new version of was released yesterday), feel free to open an issue and prod us to get that thing updated. However, for security reasons, we won't be accepting pull requests with updated Intl scripts.


Many thanks to jquery-rails project for so good README reference ;)