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A simple non-turing complete lisp meant to be embedded in apps as a rules engine. It is intentionally designed to limit the harm evaluated code can do (in contrast to a straight ruby ‘eval’) and is constrained to:

  • Be totally sandboxed by default
  • Always finish executing (no infinite loops)
  • Let you easily add variables and functions (simply pass in a hash defining them)
  • Be a small, single file


Either add the interrotron gem, or just copy and paste interrotron.rb


```ruby # Injecting a variable and evaluating a function is easy!‘(> 51 custom_var)’, :custom_var => 10) # => true

You can inject functions just as easily“(doubler (+ 2 2))”, :doubler => proc {|a| a*2 }) # => 8

You can even pre-compile scripts for speed / re-use!

tron = => proc {|a| a.reverse == ‘oof’}) compiled = tron.compile(“(is_valid my_param)”) => ‘foo’) # => true => ‘bar’) #=> false

Since interrotron is meant for business rules, it handles dates as a

# native type as instances of ruby’s DateTime class. You can use literals # for that like so:‘(> #dt2010-09-04 start_date)’, start_date: DateTime.parse(‘2012-12-12’)) # => true

You can, of course, create arbitarily complex exprs“(if false (+ 4 -3) (- 10 (+ 2 (+ 1 1))))”) # => 6

Additionally, it is possible to constrain execution to a maximum number of

# operations by passing in a third argument“(str (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4) (+ 5 7))”, {}, 3) # => raises Interrotron::OpsThresholdError since 4 operations were executed


The following functions and variables are built in to Interrotron (and more are on the way!): clojure (if pred then else) ; it's an if / else statement (cond pred1 clause1 pred2 clause2 true fallbackclause) ; like a case statement (and e1, e2, ...) ; logical and, returns last arg if true (or e1, e2, ...) ; logical or, returns first true arg (not expr) ; negates (! expr) ; negates (identity expr) ; returns its argument (str s1, s2, ...) ; converts its args to strings, also concatenates them (floor expr) ; equiv to num.floor (ceil expr) ; equiv to num.ceil (round expr) ; equiv to num.round (to_i expr) ; int conversion (to_f expr) ; float conversion (rand) ; returns a random float between 0 and 1 (upcase str) ; uppercases a string (downcase) ; lowercases a string (now) ; returns the current DateTime (array e1, e2, ...) ; creates an array (max arr) ; returns the largest element of an array (min arr) ; returns the smallest element of an array (length arr) ; get the length of an array (first arr) ; get arr head (last arr) ; get arr tail (nth pos arr) ; get array at index (member? val arr) ; check if the array has a member with value 'val'


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request