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Interpol is a toolkit for policing your HTTP JSON interface. To use it, define the endpoints of your HTTP API in simple YAML files. Interpol provides multiple tools to work with these endpoint definitions:

  • Interpol::TestHelper::RSpec and Interpol::TestHelper::TestUnit are modules that you can mix in to your test context. They provide a means to generate tests from your endpoint definitions that validate example data against your JSON schema definition.
  • Interpol::StubApp builds a stub implementation of your API from the endpoint definitions. This can be distributed with your API's client gem so that API users have something local to hit that generates data that is valid according to your schema definition.
  • Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator is a rack middleware that validates your API responses against the JSON schema in your endpoint definition files. This is useful in test/development environments to ensure that your real API returns valid responses.
  • Interpol::DocumentationApp builds a sinatra app that renders documentation for your API based on the endpoint definitions.

You can use any of these tools individually or some combination of all of them.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'interpol'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install interpol

Endpoint Definition

Endpoints are defined in YAML files, using a separate file per endpoint. Here's an example:

name: user_projects
route: /users/:user_id/projects
method: GET
  - versions: ["1.0"]
      description: Returns a list of projects for the given user.
      type: object
          description: List of projects.
          type: array
            type: object
                description: The name of the project.
                type: string
                description: The importance of the project, on a scale of 1 to 10.
                type: integer
                minimum: 1
                maximum: 10

      - projects:
        - name: iPhone App
          importance: 5
        - name: Rails App
          importance: 7

Let's look at this YAML file, point-by-point:

  • name can be anything you want. Each endpoint should have a different name. Interpol uses it in schema validation error messages. It is also used by the documentation app.
  • route defines the sinatra route for this endpoint. Note that while Interpol::StubApp supports any sinatra route, Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator (which has to find a matching endpoint definition from the request path), only supports a subset of Sinatra's routing syntax. Specifically, it supports static segments (users and projects in the example above) and named parameter segments (:user_id in the example above).
  • method defines the HTTP method for this endpoint. The method should be in uppercase.
  • The definitions array contains a list of versioned schema definitions, with corresponding examples. Everytime you modify your schema and change the version, you should add a new entry here.
  • The versions array lists the endpoint versions that should be associated with a particular schema definition.
  • The schema contains a JSON schema description of the contents of the endpoint. This schema definition is used by the SchemaValidation middleware to ensure that your implementation of the endpoint matches the definition.
  • examples contains a list of valid example data. It is used by the stub app as example data.


Interpol provides two levels of configuration: global default configuration, and one-off configuration, set on a particular instance of one of the provided tools. Each of the tools accepts a configuration block that provides an identical API to the global configuration API shown below.

require 'interpol'

Interpol.default_configuration do |config|
  # Tells Interpol where to find your endpoint definition files.
  # Needed by all tools.
  config.endpoint_definition_files = Dir["config/endpoints/*.yml"]

  # Determines which versioned endpoint definition Interpol uses
  # for a request. You can also use a block form, which yields
  # the rack env hash and the endpoint object as arguments.
  # This is useful when you need to extract the version from a
  # request header (e.g. Accept) or from the request URI.
  # Needed by Interpol::StubApp and Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator.
  config.api_version '1.0'

  # Determines the stub app response when the requested version is not
  # available. This block will be eval'd in the context of the stub app
  # sinatra application, so you can use sinatra helpers like `halt` here.
  # Needed by Interpol::StubApp.
  config.on_unavailable_request_version do |requested_version, available_versions|
    message = JSON.dump(
      "message" => "Not Acceptable",
      "requested_version" => requested_version,
      "available_versions" => available_versions

    halt 406, message

  # Determines which responses will be validated against the endpoint
  # definition when you use Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator. The
  # validation is meant to run against the "happy path" response.
  # For responses like "404 Not Found", you probably don't want any
  # validation performed. The default validate_if hook will cause
  # validation to run against any 2xx response except 204 ("No Content").
  # Used by Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator.
  config.validate_if do |env, status, headers, body|
    headers['Content-Type'] == my_custom_mime_type

  # Determines how Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator handles
  # invalid data. By default it will raise an error, but you can
  # make it print a warning instead.
  # Used by Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator.
  config.validation_mode = :error # or :warn

  # Determines the title shown on the rendered documentation
  # pages.
  # Used by Interpol::DocumentationApp.
  config.documentation_title = "Acme Widget API Documentaton"

Tool Usage

Interpol::TestHelper::RSpec and Interpol::TestHelper::TestUnit

These are modules that you can extend onto an RSpec example group or a Test::Unit::TestCase subclass, respectively. They provide a define_interpol_example_tests macro that will define a test for each example for each schema definition in your endpoint definition files. The tests will validate that your schema is a valid JSON schema definition and will validate that the examples are valid according to that schema.

RSpec example:

require 'interpol/test_helper'

describe "My API endpoints" do
  extend Interpol::TestHelper::RSpec

  # the block is only necessary if you want to override the default
  # config or if you have not set a default config.
  define_interpol_example_tests do |ipol|
    ipol.endpoint_definition_files = Dir["config/endpoints_definitions/*.yml"]

Test::Unit example:

require 'interpol/test_helper'

class MyAPIEndpointsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  extend Interpol::TestHelper::TestUnit


This will build a little sinatra app that returns example data from your endpoint definition files.



require 'interpol/stub_app'

# the block is only necessary if you want to override the default
# config or if you have not set a default config.
stub_app = do |app|
  app.endpoint_definition_files = Dir["config/endpoints_definitions/*.yml"]
  app.api_version do |env|

run stub_app


This rack middleware validates the responses from your app against the schema definition. Here's an example of how you might use it with a class-style sinatra app:

require 'sinatra'

# You probably only want to validate the schema in local development.
unless ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'production'
  require 'interpol/response_schema_validator'

  # the block is only necessary if you want to override the default
  # config or if you have not set a default config.
  use Interpol::ResponseSchemaValidator do |config|
    config.endpoint_definition_files = Dir["config/endpoints_definitions/*.yml"]
    config.api_version do |env|

get '/users/:user_id/projects' do


This will build a little sinatra app that renders documentation about your API based on your endpoint definitions.


require 'interpol/documentation_app'

# the block is only necessary if you want to override the default
# config or if you have not set a default config.
doc_app = do |app|
  app.endpoint_definition_files = Dir["config/endpoints_definitions/*.yml"]
  app.documentation_title = "My API Documentation"

run doc_app

Note: the documentation app is definitely a work-in-progress and I'm not a front-end/UI developer. I'd happily accept a pull request improving it!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request