Intermodal 0.4.0

Summary ===

Intermodal lets you quickly put together a pure, JSON/XML-only RESTful web service.

Features ===

- Declarative DSL for top-level, nested, and linked CRUD resource endpoints, producing dynamically generated resource controllers
- Override resource controller behavior
- Declarative DSL for Presenters (remap ORM to JSON/XML)
- Declarative DSL for Acceptors (remap and filter incoming data)
- Authentication mechanism using HTTP X- headers (similar to Rackspace Cloud API)
- API versioning

Requirements ==

Rails 4.2.x

Anything below that is no longer supported.

TODO ===

- Fix known bug with class reloading in development mode
- Not everything is packaged well
- Should include standardized paging
- Cross-account authorization
- Reorganize controller concerns
- Quick-Start and HOWTO guides