ruby-intar – Interactive Ruby

A simple Irb replacement


The Intar project was started in times when Irb was a rather unconvenient tool, without colors, difficult to call from inside an application and so on.

Today, Intar is a tool far less complex than Irb.

Yet, Intar is more robust. Have a look at what happens after this in Irb and in Intar:

prompt> { sleep 3 ; Thread.main.raise "stop" }



obj.method do &       enter a sub-Intar
obj.method { &        enter a sub-Intar
obj.each { &          enter multiple sub-Intars
obj.method { |x| &    enter a sub-Intar with variable x
obj.method { |x,y| &  enter a sub-Intar with multiple variables

\q                    exit from the innermost sub-Intar
\q!                   exit from the innermost sub-Intar loop
\q!!                  exit from all levels

\h                    get a list of all subcommands


Bertram Scharpf <[email protected]>


Write some more documentation.