What's this?

Well I was recently diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. I've been collecting lots of data related to my condiiton using OnTrack, and wanted to do more interesting things with it. Hence this.

For now all it does is ingest a CSV file, parse it into some nice JSON, and stuff it into MongoDB.


gem install insulin

Also requires MongoDB. Instructions for installing Mongo on Ubuntu are here.


To suck in some data

insulin ingest </path/to/on_track_export_file.csv>

This will take that file, parse it, and push the JSON into a number of collections in a MongoDB database called 'insulin'. You can view them with something like

$ mongo insulin
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.6
connecting to: insulin
> db.events.find({serial : 266})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4ff07b371508cc259c8a8f0c"), "serial" : 266, "timestamp" : ISODate("2012-06-28T09:21:05Z"), "tzoffset" : "+0100", "timezone" : "BST", "unixtime" : 1340875265, "day" : "thursday", "date" : "2012-06-28", "time" : "10:21:05 BST", "type" : "medication", "subtype" : "humalog", "tag" : "breakfast", "value" : 4, "notes" : { "food" : [ "2 bacon", "2 toast" ], "note" : [ "test note" ] } }

Currently the only supported output operation is

insulin day DATE

to show stats for date DATE (in YYYY-MM-DD format) - defaults to 'today' if no date supplied. Note that insulin considers events that occur up to 04:00 as part of the previous actual day (because sometimes we stay up late, right?). Output will look something like

          06:50:54 BST glucose                6.4 mmol/L
          07:05:38 BST weight                59.0 kg
          09:43:33 BST glucose                6.7 mmol/L
          09:50:23 BST medication humalog     4.0 x10^-5 L
          13:17:43 BST glucose                4.7 mmol/L
          13:31:44 BST medication humalog     4.0 x10^-5 L
          15:57:12 BST glucose                6.2 mmol/L
          20:01:41 BST glucose                6.2 mmol/L
          20:05:21 BST medication humalog     6.0 x10^-5 L
          21:42:38 BST glucose                9.0 mmol/L
          00:34:22 BST glucose                9.5 mmol/L
          00:49:27 BST medication lantus     12.0 x10^-5 L
          Average glucose: 6.96 mmol/L

You can also run the tests, if you're into that sort of thing:

bundle exec rspec

Postfix setup

OnTrack allows you to mail the exported CSV files to an email address. This page explains how to configure Postfix to extract those files. I now have this set up so that I mail from OnTrack to [email protected], the CSVs get dropped into a directory, and then 'insulin ingest' runs periodically on the newest file in that directory.

Next steps

  • Get it generating custom CSVs for Spreadsheeting
  • Get it doing some analysis
  • Give it a meteor front-end (might require some help from Chris). Graphs, yo
  • Possibly connect to this API to extract carb values from plain-text food descriptions (this may be a little ambitious, we'll see)

Project built using DDD (Diabetes-Driven Development)