Insanity Build Status

Run a command repeatedly to check for differences. Handy for discovering flaky tests or verifying a change doesn't lead to instability.

Insanity allows you to:

  • See a summary of the exit statuses
  • Save the output of each repetition


Running the following:

insanity 'rspec ./spec/my_flaky_spec.rb' -i 10

Will run the command 10 times and output something like:


10 iterations complete.

Status 0    | 8 times
Status 1    | 2 times

Command options

  • -i 99 / --iterations 99: Number of many times to run the command. Default: 100.
  • -o ./tmp / --output-dir ./tmp: Save output in this directory. Each iteration is written to an individual file (combined stdout & stderr). Default: No output saved.


Install the gem directly:

gem install insanity

Don't forget to run rbenv rehash if you use Rbenv.

Alternatively add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'insanity'

And run bundle install.

Development notes