
Really stupid primitive Gem that will handle some common console operations.

require 'inputs'

Inputs.yn('Are you stupid?')
# Are you stupid? [y/n]
# => true / false'What is your name')
# What is your name
# => String

Inputs.names('Names of your parents')
# Names of your parents
# => Array

Inputs.pick(['cat', 'dog'])
# Please choose
#   Press 1 for "cat"
#   Press 2 for "dog"

## after pressing 1
# => 'cat'

## after pressing 2
# => 'dog'


Gem is so primitive that I'm not even bothering to release it to Rubygems

gem 'inputs', github: 'equivalent/inputs'

And then execute:

$ bundle


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.