
This is simple off-gc in-memory hash table.

Currently, InMemoryKV::Str2Str is a string to string hash table with LRU built in (a lot like builtin Hash).

It doesn't participate in GC and not encounted in. It uses malloc for simplicity.

If you do not clone and not mutate it in a fork, than it is as fork-friendly as your malloc is.

It is not thread-safe, so protect it by you self. (builtin hash is also not thread-safe)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'inmemory_kv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install inmemory_kv


s2s =
s2s['asdf'] = 'qwer'
# attention: iteration is not as safe as iteration of builtin Hash.
# Builtin Hash checks if you mutate hash during iteratation, this hash doesn't.
s2s.each_key{|k| }
s2s.each_value{|k| }
s2s.each{|k,v| }

s2s.up(k) # touch entry to be most recent in LRU order
s2s.down(k) # touch entry to be first to expire
s2s.first # first/oldest entry in LRU
s2s.shift # shift oldest entry
s2s.data_size # size of key+value entries
s2s.total_size # size of key+value entries + internal structures

# Str2Str is more memory efficient than storing string in a builtin hash
# also it is a bit faster.
# It tries to overwrite value inplace if it value's size not larger.
def timeit;; r=yield; ensure puts "Lasts: #{ - t}"; r; end

timeit{ 1000000.times{|i| s2s[i.to_s] = "qwer#{i}"} }
timeit{ 1000000.times{|i| s2s[i.to_s] = "qwer#{i}"} }
hsh = {}
timeit{ 1000000.times{|i| hsh[i.to_s] = "qwer#{i}"} }
timeit{ 1000000.times{|i| hsh[i.to_s] = "qwer#{i}"} }

# cloning is made to be very fast:
# it does not copy key/value entries
# only internal structures are alloced and copied with memcpy
# key/value's reference count is incremented
timeit{ sts.dup }
timeit{ hsh.dup }
# clone is copy on write
cpy = sts.dup
sts['2'] = '!'
cpy['3'] = '!!'
sts['2'] != cpy['2']
sts['3'] != cpy['3']


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request