
For configuring the influxdb database, shard spaces, and continuous queries.

Warning: Only works with InfluxDB 0.8.x

I wanted configuring influxdb to be as easy as database migrations with Rails. This gem provides rake tasks to create the database and user, setup 2 default shard spaces (one for a week of fine grained detail, and another for archiving a year of data), and for creating/removing/updating continuous queries.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'influxdb_setup'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Capistrano Integration

To have the task run on deploy, add require "influxdb_setup/capistrano" to your config/deploy.rb.

This will run the setup on deploy (creating database, shard spaces, and continuous queries). It will also mark the deploy in the "deploys" table in your influxdb. See the example db/influxdb_queries.yml below for the archive queries.


This library expects your influxdb config to be located in the config/influxdb.yml file. For example (change myapp to your application name):

default: &default
  hosts: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_HOSTS', '').split(',') %>
  port: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_PORT', '8086') %>
  db_name: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_DB_NAME', 'myapp') %>
  username: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_USER', 'myapp') %>
  password: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_PASS', 'myapp') %>
  async: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_ASYNC', 'true') == "true" %>       # default true
  retry: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_RETRY', 'true') == "true" %>       # default true
  use_ssl: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_USE_SSL', 'false') == "true" %>  # default false
  enabled: <%= ENV.fetch('INFLUXDB_ENABLED', 'false') == "true" %>  # default false

  <<: *default
  hosts: [""] # boot2docker default ip
  async: false
  enabled: true
  retry: false

  <<: *default

  <<: *default
  hosts: ["localhost"]
  enabled: true

To add continuous queries, just add them to the db/influxdb_queries.yml, for example:

 - select * from "response_times" into response_times.[rails_env]
 - select mean(value),count(value),percentile(value,95.0) as 95th,percentile(value,99.0) as 99th from "response_times.production" group by time(1h) into archive.response_times.1h
 - select * from "deploys" into deploys.[rails_env]
 - select * from "deploys.production" into archive.deploys

Make sure your queries match what the server coerces them into (no spaces after commas) by running the rake influxdb:load_queries task multiple times. If there's queries to update the task will not do anything.

Rake tasks

rake influxdb:create_db Creates the database for the service if it doesn't already exist.

rake influxdb:setup_shard_spaces Creates or updates the default and archives shard spaces. If they don't exist, it creates them. If they do exist but they are not correct, it updates them.

rake influxdb:create_user Creates the user for the service if it doesn't already exist.

rake influxdb:load_queries Creates any continuous queries that are missing. Removes queries that are not in the db/influxdb_queries.yml file.

rake influxdb:setup Runs all the above rake tasks.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Github at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.