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The Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit) gem

This gem makes Ruby sing with you the Guru Josh Project's Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit) song through both STDOUT and the SOURCE CODE.

The really nice thing is that the code actually sings the lyrics:

class Me < Freak
  key :philosophy
  needs :infinity

  def infinity(you)
    you.relax! and you.r.time.take_while { |time|
      ! self and time.(goes_by: :naturally)
    } and you.will.find INFINITY


You should start the song at the same time than this program with something like this:

$ infinity2008 & play infinity2008.mp3

Or, if you feel like it, watch the video while the program sings:

$ infinity2008 --video

A much more dense and bare version of the same code suitable for posters or shirts is:

$ infinity2008-dense

The 'default' non-dense version is more readable, includes support for opening the video and a bit of extra boiler-plate related to code encapsulation.


In May 2013 I was listening to Infinity 2008 in a summer hits remember session when I thought that it would be a fun exercise to show how Ruby expressiveness and terseness could be leveraged to write a small program loosely based on the lyrics of the song. The idea was to make it sing both in the console output and specially in the code itself, aiming at making it small enough (even if dense) to print it on a shirt with code highlighting.

Actually printing it on a shirt is problematic because the letters end up being pretty small and you'd need a not too wide fixed font, but I encourage you to find a solution for that (and sending me a PR and a couple of those kick-ass shirts!)

Generating the gem

Both bundler and rspec are required to build the gem:

$ gem install bundler rspec

Run rake -T to see available tasks. The gem can be built with:

$ rake build

Or, if you want to make sure everything works correctly:

$ bundle exec rake build


After generating the gem, install it using:

$ gem install pkg/infinity2008-*.gem