
CLI for HockeyApp

List apps and devices from HockeyApp. Highly inspired by the great Cupertino.


$ gem install infinite-loop


Fetch or Create an API token

$ hockey login

This asks you for your email and password. It then checks if you have any existing read-only tokens and stores the first in ~/.netrc. If not, it creates one.

List of Apps

$ hockey apps:list

List of Devices

$ hockey devices:list APP_ID

If you only want devices which are not in your current provisioning profile, add "unprovisioned":

$ hockey devices:list APP_ID unprovisioned

Loop Over Devices and Add to Provisioning Portal

This works only if you have already set up cupertino:

$ gem install cupertino
$ ios login

Then you can show all device (or all unprovisioned devices, see above) and add them to the portal:

$ hockey devices:loop APP_ID

Finally edit your profile:

$ ios profiles:manage:devices distribution


  • Download profiles from the Provisioning Portal
  • Upload modified profiles to HockeyApp
  • Token management
  • Some error handling


Thomas Dohmke & HockeyApp


Infinite Loop is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.