About inetmgr

inetmgr is primarily a library that helps automate the configuration of IIS (7+). It is built on top of the standard IIS configuration API (www.iis.net/ConfigReference) but provides a more elegant, ruby-like interface which, typically, can be used from your rake tasks.

The inetmgr library lets you inspect add/remove and alter various IIS objects like sites, application pools, bindings, virtual directories, etc.

How to install

Get the gem:

gem install inetmgr

That should do the trick. Another option would be forking the source from the github repository:

git clone [email protected]:typesafe/inetmgr.git inetmgr

How to use

Notes: inetmgr requires a Windows machine (well, duh) with IIS7+ and depends on WIN32OLE (obviously), which should be available by default. Inetmgr has only been tested with Ruby version 1.9.2 (on a Windows 7 box).

Create a new site

The following code creates a new web site with an http and https binding. Note the use of the configure method to ensure the changes get committed.

require 'inetmgr'

IisConfiguration.configure do |cfg|
    cfg.get_sites.add do |site|
        site.name = "Contoso"
        site.auto_start = true
        site.bindings.add do |b|
            b.protocol = "http"
            b.binding_information = "*:80:www.******.be"

        site.bindings.add do |b|
            b.protocol = "https"
            b.binding_information = "*:443:"
            b.add_ssl_certificate "e2564766bad7ebec8cf6899caa2a27c6391c4f19", "MY"

        site.applications.add do |app|
            app.path = "/"
            app.virtual_directories.add do |dir|
                dir.path = "/"
                dir.physical_path = "D:\\sites\\www.******.be"

Print the currently configured pools

This code sample print the currently configured pools. Note the use of a newed configuration instance (since were not applying any changes).

require 'inetmgr'
cfg = IisConfiguration.new
pools = cfg.get_application_pools

pools.each do |p|
    puts "\r\nPOOL: #{p.name}"
    puts "----"
    puts " - auto_start:\t #{p.auto_start}"
    puts " - always_running:\t #{p.always_running}"
    puts " - CLRConfigFile:\t #{p.CLRConfigFile}"	# not yet mapped
    puts " - enable_32bit:\t #{p.enable_32bit}"
    puts " - enableConfigurationOverride:\t #{p.enableConfigurationOverride}"	# not yet mapped
    puts " - classic_pipeline:\t #{p.classic_pipeline}"
    puts " - runtime_version:\t #{p.runtime_version}"
    puts " - passAnonymousToken:\t #{p.passAnonymousToken}"

    puts "\r\n - process_model:"
    puts "    - identity_type: #{p.process_model.identity_type}"
    puts "    - idleTimeout: #{p.process_model.idleTimeout}"
    puts "    - logon_type: #{p.process_model.logon_type}"
    puts "    - user_name '#{p.process_model.user_name}'"
    puts "    - password '#{p.process_model.password.gsub(/./, '*')}'"
    puts "    - load_user_profile: #{p.process_model.}"

    puts "\r\n - recycling:"
    puts "    - logEventOnRecycle: #{p.recycling.logEventOnRecycle}"
    puts "    - periodic_restart.schedulecount: #{p.recycling.periodic_restart.schedule.size}"
    puts "----------------------------"

The output of the above code would be something like the following:

POOL: static.******.be
- auto_start:         false
- always_running:         false
- CLRConfigFile:
- enable_32bit:         false
- enableConfigurationOverride:         true
- classic_pipeline:         false
- runtime_version:
- passAnonymousToken:         true

- process_model:
   - identity_type: application_pool_identity
   - idleTimeout: 12000000000
   - logon_type: batch
   - user_name ''
   - password ''
   - load_user_profile: false

- recycling:
    - logEventOnRecycle: 137
    - periodic_restart.schedulecount: 0

POOL: www.******.be
- auto_start:         false
- always_running:         true
- CLRConfigFile:
- enable_32bit:         false
- enableConfigurationOverride:         true
- classic_pipeline:         false
- runtime_version:         v4.0
- passAnonymousToken:         true

- process_model:
   - identity_type: specific_user
   - idleTimeout: 12000000000
   - logon_type: batch
   - user_name 'gino'
   - password '*********'
   - load_user_profile: false

 - recycling:
    - logEventOnRecycle: 137
    - periodic_restart.schedulecount: 0


Copyright © 2010 Gino Heyman.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.