0.3.0 / 2012-01-19

The 0.3 release makes three significant improvements. First, instead of using paths['load'] for the Ruby load path setting, it designates the use of paths['lib']. In this manner the keys of the paths field can be generally based on standard locations in a project, and more generally on FHS. Secondly, this release also removes the extra field. Instead custom entries can be added at the root of the document. Note that this means that parts of the API may return nil instead of raising an error when queried for an undefined field. To ensure that metadata van still be strongly validated the specification adds a customs field where the names of custom fields are specified.


  • Designate paths['lib'] for Ruby's load path, instead of paths['load'].
  • Remove extra field from specification; custom fields can be in root not.
  • Add customs field to allow customization in a robust manner.

0.2.0 / 2012-12-27

The load_path field has been deprecated and replaced with the paths field, which holds a mapping of names to local path locations within the project. This makes identifying paths completely generic. For Ruby projects use the 'load' entry.

This release also makes Kramdown the fallback for importing microformat data from markdown documents if Redcarpet is not available. This makes it usable with JRuby. (Kramdown may become the only support markdown render in the future.)


  • Deprecate load_path array in favor of paths hash.
  • Support Kramdown as fallback Markdown renderer.
  • Add requirement optional field support to microformat importer.

0.1.0 / 2012-12-09

Initial release of Indexer.


  • All of them ;)